
photo saturday: spooky boy

zherne boh - dead, cultist, warlock

It seems that I'm somewhat slightly obsessed with the Undead Patron Warlock at present. Which is something of a shame, because it's going to be a hot minute before I get the chance to actually play one. If that ever actually eventuates.

But given we've entered the Spooky Month, it seemed like a vibe for today's DnD Character Colouring Book... even if the colour is basically black.

It also came together nicely with a number of pieces from the outfit that was released the week before last. Which I quite like, but they're a little specific or at least have a less general vibe, at least when it comes to the spiked kneepad. At some point it would be nice if they got really modular with some of the stuff, but I suppose that's a little hard to do with everything.

Zherne started out as a redhead with stubble. And then I basically covered his face and head, so it didn't seem like there was a ton of point to it all. But the stubble kind of stuck around. It's probably something I would ditch if I was really going to play him.

I also really dig the armoured glove. And his dead, yet functional, eye.

I haven't quite pieced together a backstory for him... I feel like he was a member of a cult of one of the evil gods of death, but was sacrificed, probably against his will. Or maybe not, he certainly didn't expect to come back. And suffice to say, it's less pleased about the cult he used to be a part of.

So I don't quite know who his Patron actually is, but he does take on a bleeding, gaunt, rotting visage for his Form of Dread. And his is covered in healed scars in his day to day existence, they just start to ooze thick dark ichor when he transforms.

And yes, his name is a variation of Chernobog, the Slavic god of misfortune.


This week's soup was yet another minestrone I made up based on what I remembered to buy last week. And it was pretty good... with the bacon and chorizo goodness and whatnot.

Otherwise, we're mostly filing this week under "unexpected problems".

The least of which was the fact the fucking weather couldn't make up it's mind all week... first it's going to be sunny and warm, then it's going to be cold and windy, then it's going to be temperate with a lot of rain.

So Thursday, I got an email from the nice folk at Optus, following up from the previous "yeah, sorry, your data definitely got leaked" email with a "yep, definitely leaked, and it was definitely your drivers license, so now you have to go get a new one".

Which we can now file under "things I didn't expect to be doing at 3pm on a Thursday afternoon"... driving to Service SA to get a new license number.

On the plus side, while a large amount of the people who were there were also in the same boat, I think I was there for a grand total of maybe 15-20 minutes, tops. And the line was longer when I left than when I got there, which is always the correct state of affairs.

But now I have no license until they get around to sending out the new one. Well... no physical card. Me and the other trillion people who were making their way through Service SA that day.

There was also no Thursday night DnD. Because something something people had other things happening. And no Thursday night DnD next week either, for similarly associated reasons.

Then Friday, my internet just cut out for no well explained reason. I think it might have been a more localised neighbourhood issue rather than just being me specifically, but I still called the ISP and got them looking into it, but fortunately, it came back about half an hour later while I was busy doing other things.

And then Friday night DnD was also cancelled, because Mrs was interstate. We also didn't end up doing board games, so Fluffy and I just did movie night instead. Which was pleasant. Nothing particularly to write home about, we watched the Great Mouse Detective and then I introduced Fluffy to Empire Records, which went over very well.

Because of course it did, it's a great fucking movie #DamnTheMan.

But that was our evening. Finishing up much earlier than normal.

Today was mostly about average, supermarketry, then back here to do some bits and pieces and then off to Bunnings for pick up various things, including some more potting mix for my, inexplicably, twenty year old parlour palm, after I realised how much the soil had compacted/disappeared while putting the supportive plastic cage around it last Saturday night.

And a couple of other stops, all in the general neighbourhood, but again, nothing exciting.

There was another brief moment of panic this afternoon though when the electricity went out... just what I didn't need after the internet outage earlier in the week. Fortunately it only lasted a few minutes and then came back up.

But that's it for the week really. Nothing groundbreaking, but a lot of "really?".

Current mood:

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