
photo saturday: whip it good redux

whipmaster deyman - cleric, noble, artist

It seems like I'm in the mood to redo old characters...

So today's DnD Character Colouring Book is a revisit of my favourite trashfire character, Deyman. Whipmaster Demyan if you're nasty. And I assure you, as far as he's concerned, you're all very nasty indeed.

Of course, this all happened because Hero Forge dropped some new whips. And while he doesn't wield one himself (not proficient and all that), he does carry a whip. So... that had to happen.

Plus I was never completely in love with the old version. It was a compromise in order to get the look that I wanted.

This time I just cheated it with Photoshop.

The collar beneath the breastplate (and the head attached to it, to be honest), is taken from a completely different piece of Hero Forge clothing, because, stupidly, the breastplates aren't counted as "top layer" clothing, so they can only go UNDER other things.

The mesh sleeve is from yet a third piece of clothing. Just made transparent and with a mesh texture over the top. And yes, he only has one mesh sleeve... because shield arm.

Also yes, I know he's extra. He's my sweet baby edgelord. This is him being lowkey.

Although I haven't bothered creating them, the other versions of his outfit exist in my head... the rank before this one was all black and the rank above this would have the red parts become white. And also, in my head, he has a very different ceremonial outfit that is all white and very transparent in places. And that he very probably hates with a vengeance.

Since he's not that kind of boy.


Sometimes, following a soup recipe leads to excellent results. Thus was the case with the Tomato, Barley & Chorizo Soup I made this week based on the recipe on the back of the pearl barley packet. And it turned out really well. It's definitely one that I will return to, and maybe play around with, but overall it's a solid recipe.

I did a little trip to Officeworks again this week... because, you know, I can't stay away from that place. Also, I need to buy some more printer ink, or at the very least get my printer out and see what's what with it.

I had planned on going out to trawl the world for more jeans on Wednesday. But it basically rained the whole day, and fuck that.

Thursday night's DnD was good... but, honestly, we were all a little bit punchy and dissolved into giggles on more than one occasion. But then that happens when you're fighting two long, thick, veiny... purple worms. And essentially doing a Colonialism. Not with the worms... obviously.

Friday was Chiro Day. A week late, but better late than never.

I also did a little running around in town, picked up some stuff, was unsurprised to see that the only jeans that existed in the Target in town were the fucking same as the ones I already bought. I did manage to get home before it started hammering down with rain, so bonus points there.

Then Fluffy came down slightly early in order for us to have time to watch a movie before we went to DnD. And you can bet your bottom dollar there will be more on that later.

Friday night's DnD was excellent. They didn't DO a lot, technically speaking. As in, they went to one major attraction, a couple of carnival games and triggered some plot. But once again, I was very proud of them as they tried to work out what was going on.

And I definitely had an "aww bless" moment when it twigged for all of them why the Witchlight carnival, run by two men called Mr Witch and Mr Light was called the Witch-Light carnival. Bless.

It's also comforting that I can rely on Mr's characters to "sneak off on their own" no matter what game we're playing. And I definitely won't ever be using that against him.

I am very excited to see what they do next.

Today wasn't much of anything. We did the supermarket, I'm making some conglomeration of beef soup or beef stew. Something in the beef oeuvre. And after we came back here it started raining really heavily, so we didn't end up doing much of anything. And Ma shuffled off home.

Current mood:

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