
photo saturday: making a friend

hasim al-baqir - maker, blacksmith, sage

Remember a little while back where I posted about 67 different variations of rogues while I was trying to find my next character.

Yeah, we're doing that, but for Artificers right now. Or at least for the three Artificer subclasses I actually like (the first of which was Orval from a couple of weeks back). And it might just be three characters total. I'll have to see how I go.

I'll admit, it's a class I struggle with concepts for, because it seems very specific and generally speaking feels less "fantasy" and more something else. Not "steampunk" per say, although that's very much how people seem to think of it. But it's definitely one that probably fits better within the world of Eberron, which is more pulp detective novels meets "non-traditional fantasy technologies" like magically powered trains and skyships. So I kinda went around and around on some of these.

But we ended up with Hasim... also known as Haze. Honestly, the name is the most likely to change. It's a place holder right now, but I do definitely want a Persian/Arabian style name for him.

I've also never played a male tiefling. And I've only ever played one other tiefling, Mama Lullaby, who was my... second ever character I think. Which is odd. You'd think I would have played a bunch of them, since I really do enjoy tieflings... and I've made a few, they just never made it through to a table at any point.

And for some reason I have a tendency to gravitate towards tieflings with human coloured skin rather than the traditional red or the very internet popular tones of purple. I did go back to the official tiefling description though and saw that their eyes can just be white, which is not a direction I would normally go, but felt right.

What's interesting is that at a certain point Hasim actually had a completely different colour pallet and name. He was originally Knack and the colours were all shades of blue. But then I went looking for some kind of art for a Steel Defender (since you really can't make those in Hero Forge right now) and ended up finding this amazing looking "Automata Quad" by Graey Erb

After that the colour pallet got a bit of a tweak to bring it more into like with the Quad's colours (I might, at some point, go in and make the armour metal a little closer of a match to the illustration). And I very much dig it right now. There's always a hierarchy to these things, and I think that Hasim is in the lead of the three designs I'm currently toying with. I think, very possibly, the Defender is what pushed him over the edge. I love the slightly non-specific big cat/sabre-tooth creature/jewellery vibe of it along with what is very clearly an artisan's eye.

I don't really have a backstory for him yet, although I did suddenly realise that there are probably more tieflings working as blacksmiths that you might otherwise expect, if only because they're resistant to fire, so, to paraphrase, the heat wouldn't bother them anyway.


I made Toona Noodle Doo this week... I don't know why, but sometimes it's amazing and sometimes it's... m'eh. This time around it was just fairly average. And I never quite know what makes the difference. Should I have thrown in an extra can of soup? Should I just not bother adding in boiled egg? No idea. If was fine though.

Otherwise... this week was kinda m'eh.

No urgent trips to Service SA, no issues with anybody's internet... and no DnD. Yeah, there wasn't supposed to be a Thursday game, that I already knew, but Friday's game got pulled at roughly 4:15pm on Friday. And Fluffy had stuff going on at his end... so... yeah, nothing there either.

So that's it really.

The weather was fucking nuts, but otherwise, nothing to report.


Today became a semi-Christmas related excursion.

We started with the usual supermarketry... and then headed off to look for some specific bits and pieces, which led us to both Big W and Kmart... and mostly their Christmas stuff. It should also have included more of their Halloween stuff, but the stuff I liked was either too expensive for what it was, or they just didn't have what I was looking for.

But a good trip overall.

Current mood:

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