
photo saturday: pumpkin jack

hans kurbis - pumpkin, sorcerer, reborn

I do enjoy making some odd stuff for certain holidays and then being able to tie it back to DnD.

In this case, it's a little something for Halloween... Hans Kurbis... or to translate his name from the German, Jack Pumpkin.

I'm also slightly kicking myself, because last weekend I went though all my saved builds on Hero Forge and deleted a bunch of models that I didn't need anymore, including an original version of a scarecrow character... which I think was basically the same model, but I think the colour scheme on that one was better.

And yes, that is a marshmallow stuck on his wand.


Relatively speaking, I made goop this week for dinner. By which I mean I added vegetables and meat to a jar of a vaguely Asian style sauce. And it reminded me that... actually... I don't like goop that much. Which led to some slight improvisation later in the week.

Also on Monday the final episode of the current iteration of Doctor Who aired. And while I have had many opinions about Doctor Who in the past, I will admit that I'd mostly given up on the most recent Doctor because the writer/showrunner is supremely untalented, except on those rare instances when he pulls something out of his butt or is basically copying ("paying homage") the work of previous parts of the show.

His run has also been the most disliked and the least cohesive (partly affected by things beyond his control... like 2020) of the modern era. And while I think that the actress portraying the Doctor is a good actress, I don't think she's the RIGHT actress to play the Doctor. Part of that is the writing. Part of that is her. And not because she's a woman, because the other "Doctor" portrayed during this run is also a woman, and she commands attention every time she steps on screen.

Having said all of that, the season finale was uneven, rushed, disjointed but at the same time, there were elements relating to Doctors from years past that were actually pretty good. Including the Doctor that I consider to be MY Doctor (being the very first Doctor I really watched... if you don't count Tom Baker, because I think, somehow, everybody's first Doctor is technically Tom Baker, but that might just be because they used to repeat his episodes more than anyone else's), being Sylvester McCoy and his companion Ace.

Would I have preferred that they'd shown up in an episode/season written by a good writer? Yes. Was it overly emotionally manipulative? Yes, but I teared up anyway. Did it completely ignore pretty much every unanswered question that has been posed in the entirety of this Doctor's tenure and raise a few new ones that it likewise didn't bother answering? Yes, but also some of those questions were intensely stupid and didn't make any sense, I was okay with that. I'm just glad that the "lesbian kiss" that's been being hinted at in the last few episodes, after literally materialising out of fucking nowhere, didn't happen. Because literally nobody needed that.

Sadly though, just after that episode aired, the news broke that Disney had acquired the "worldwide" streaming rights to Doctor Who, which includes Australia, where the show has been airing on free-to-air TV since 1967, only three years after it first started airing, although it did screen at the same time across the whole country until 1978. But 54 years of history don't mean fuck all when you're staring at Disney money... so now Doctor Who will be behind a paywall.

In a word. Fuck that, fuck you Disney.

And even if a former showrunner is taking over and even if they're brining back my favourite Doctor briefly for the 60th Anniversary Special, leading into the regeneration of the next Doctor... I could also just leave it here. We'll see what happens, but let's just say I'm not pleased about the fact that Disney has very deep pockets, very long arms and no apparent conscience.


Thursday night's DnD was accidentally All About Me... by which I mean my character. Like I said last week, we're deep in part of my character's backstory at present... wasn't intending it... didn't expect it to go like this... but here we are. I also manufactured some moments so that my character wasn't around for certain things, to give everyone else a chance and not to totally hog the spotlight.

I've also already talked to DM Fluffy about having a one-on-one session to cover some private conversations my character wants to have with people so that I don't eat into the next game with stuff that only concerns my boy.

Friday night's DnD was pretty good. New area, new companions, new vibes. And I'm always very pleased when the group reacts to certain things in ways above and beyond how I anticipated. Usually when they see things as creepy... because, honestly, I'm so deep in this story now that I don't necessarily see any of it as that creepy. Plus, you know, I'm a little twisted.


Today wasn't much of anything.

Basically supermarket and that was it.

Current mood:

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