
photo saturday: and then there was hush

hushed word - tabaxi, sage, hunter

Well this is slightly embarrassing...

This week's DnD Character Colouring Book is a character I totally forgot about. And it's not like she was a one and done character, there's a whole rich series of adventures with her.

This is Hushed Word. Or, Hush. She was never supposed to be a character. Hush was what happened during the first real "season" of Adventurer's League that I was involved in. When they decided that, because of something something reasons, nobody could be brought back from the dead that season. Or not without, you know, additional problems that I honestly don't give two shits about because it was a dumb idea at the time and I hated it.

But when I decided to play my first Druid and wanted him to be able to be dinosaurs... so you send him to the land with dinosaurs, which was where that season was set... and then he takes like 1500 hp worth of damage because something something cursed gold, in a dumb mechanic that they later ret-conned because it was dumb.

And the mechanic they had when characters died was that you got a "surrogate" character. A bunch of pregenerated characters that you could pick from, most of whom were boring, boring humans. Looking back at the list now, I'm not 100% sure why I chose Ranger instead of Druid. I guess I didn't vibe with the chosen subclass.

Honestly, I don't know who made the choices for those characters and why, but they didn't make any fucking sense to me then and they don't make any fucking sense to me now.

But Hush had a great time. She found a ruby, threatened a priest, had a hit put out on her, made a very good friend and ended up by voluntarily going to jail to resolve the hit.

Fucking DnD man...


I made my version of minestrone again this week. But forgot the beans. Also didn't miss the beans in the finished soup. So, you know, no loss.

Otherwise, not much to report.

Thursday night DnD was a bust... It wasn't going to be an actual game night anyway, and at the last minute someone was all "people at my work" that and "close contact" this. So we threw in the towel at the last minute.

Friday night DnD was good.

The thing that I wasn't necessarily expecting, but am loving, is how the party reacts to various NPCs. Particularly Fluffy, whose character is having a much worse time of it right now. It's also the most fun to listen to him hypothesise about his theories about things. And smile and say "could be" no matter what random wild idea he comes up with.


Today wasn't much of anything really. Did the supermarket thing, came back here, did the usual and then went to get some new socks. Thrilling, right?

Current mood:

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