
photo saturday: that fey warlock vibe

mama lullaby - tiefling, hermit, carerflynn - actor, liar, scoundrel

Let's call today's DnD Character Colouring Book something of a thought experiment. Two interpretations of basically the same character build.

On the left, we have Mama Lullaby, my... second ever character (I think.. if not second, then third, but pretty sure she was number two). A tiefling Archfey Warlock, who I always described as being 45% Oprah, 45% Moana's grandmother and 10% Mama Odie from Princess and the Frog. And whose horns keep getting more and more elaborate as new options become available.

In her "in game" description, she wears a big long embroidered coat over the top of that outfit that has a lot of pockets and, basically, functions as her component pouch. She also always had pockets full of dried fruit and nuts and chocolate in the jacket, which I let function as the herbalism kit she was also proficient in.

Since I couldn't do the kind of coat I wanted in Hero Forge, I added a little embroidered detail to her skirt as a nod to it. I also really like the way that particular armour top works on a fuller figured lady.

There was also something fun about playing a character where the (predominately) grown men around the table (in that they were predominantly men, not predominantly grown) end up calling you Mama for four hours LOL.

On the flip side is Flynn Callahan. Flynn is based on the answer to a Reddit question. Which was "how do you make a non-rogue steal character"... to which I replied with an answer about social stealth. Basically, making a character that could look like they belonged somewhere. Blending in.

And for that we need an Variant Human (with the Actor feat and the Charlatan Background) Archfey Warlock... with a familiar that can communicate and go invisible, so I chose the Sprite, since it's the most fey of the familiars.

Also... for all that I have a... fondness (we won't call it a fetish, because I don't like the connotations of making a particular type of person into a fetish) for redheaded gentlemen. Doubly so for redheaded gentlemen with freckles. And yet I've never played one. Neither male nor female actually... although the original idea for Quillamina was that she'd be a redhead, before I realised she needed to have silver hair.

I haven't bothered coming up with a name for the sprite as yet. It will be something plant or tree based and either short or easy to turn into a short nickname. The name floating to the front of my brain right now is Bramble. But Rowan also keeps coming to mind.

Not that it really matters, since this was more giving form to an idea flitting around in my head than a character I ever intended to play.

It's also fun to try a different take on the same build.


I made... interesting soup. I hadn't bought quite as much vegetable stuff as I maybe needed for soup last Saturday, so I wanted to bulk it out a little and decided to add a bunch of rice. Which worked out really, really well honestly. Maybe next time, like 10% less rice, but overall, definitely one to revisit. Otherwise, it was just vegetable, tomato and bacon soup.

Monday I had to go and get a refund on some socks that were the wrong kind. Thrilling, I know. Honestly, though, the whole process took fifty times longer than it otherwise should have, just because there were about three staff in the whole store and the customer in front of my was buying All The Things while contending with two small children.

Tuesday I figured, given my experience with the flu vaccine, I could just wander down the road and get my fourth booster shot, maybe I'd have to wait until the following day, but, yeah, definitely in a day or two.

Nope, two weeks. I mean, I didn't check anywhere else, I just went to the chemist down the road, but still... two weeks. Well, a week and a half now.

No Thursday DnD this week, which we knew about, because Fluffy, who's running the adventure, the last adventure in the book, was busy on Thursday. But then yesterday we discovered that another member of the group has tested positive, so there goes next week.

Friday night before DnD Fluffy came down early and we watch a movie... more on that in a bit... but then Friday night DnD was pretty good actually.

They dealt with what could have been a TPK (total party kill) encounter with minimal problems and found a completely different way to deal with it than the way the book assumed... but it also made sense for it to work, so I totally allowed it.

And now they're in the main area for this first part... in a city full of frog people, when one of the characters is terrified of frogs. Fun times.

It's also interesting to see what they've fixated on as characters (and as players I guess).

I will admit to some trepidation about running the big bad of this area. Just because I'm not sure how it's going to go... but I also haven't actually done any planning for it yet. It'll be fine.


Today... wasn't the original plan. I mean, we did the supermarket and everything as usual. But there was a market we were intending to check out, but I didn't realise until late in the week that it was an indoor market, in a not huge space, and that it may or may not have had an entry fee.

But mostly because it was an indoor market, in a confined space, we decided against it.

Instead we took a little trip down to Big W. Not thrilling, but useful.

And that's that about that.

Current mood:

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