
photo saturday: silver slide

timoth sevoy/lord silver the slide

Yeah, we're talking a little bit of a right turn this week. Not as a new rabbit hole to go down on-goingly, more of just a one-off experiment.

Blades in the Dark is "a tabletop role-playing game about a crew of daring scoundrels seeking their fortunes on the haunted streets of an industrial-fantasy city"... basically, it's a game about heists. And one that I'd be interested in maybe having a go at one day.

Then a video wandered across my YubTubs feed of someone putting together a Blades character... which made be wonder... what kind of Blades character would I play. Which sent me down a brief, but predictable rabbit hole of character creation.

And dumped me out on the doorstep of the Slide. Which is a Playbook, the Blades version of DnD classes.

Talk your way into trouble, then talk your way out again. Pretend to be someone you’re not. Bluff, lie, and manipulate to get your way. Every problem is ultimately a problem because of people - and people are the instrument upon which you play your music.

Or, if you prefer... the shorter version...

Slides are good at social situations and subterfuge. Play a Slide if you want to manipulate and deceive people.

Yeah, that sounds pretty much up my alley. Honestly, there were a few I liked the sound on... the Lurk, the Spider, the Whisper (honestly, the names for the "classes" are great)... but I kept coming back to the Slide.

So, without going through all the minutia of character creation, I ended up with the scion of a fallen noble house, who knows any time he's being lied to and whose vice is pleasure, specifically gratification from lovers... specifically male brothel workers. Because why the fuck not. Which is what the dots on the map are... providers of his particular vice (although technically you only choose one location, so in reality it's probably the one at the top).

Top that off with an alias where you give yourself a title that you, quite likely, don't have... or that other people have given you because you're clearly a fancy fucker showing up in less fancy places.

I'm not unhappy with the results. I particularly like the way the design elements of the image came together. Whether he would work in an actual game or not, I have no idea.


Halfling Tomato Soup this week. It's, honestly, the perfect tomato soup. The one downside being the general faffing about that needs to happen alongside said soup, because a grilled cheese/cheese toastie is a definite must. But I also got that pretty right each time too.

Wednesday it was time for my booster shot. Fourth times the charm and all that.

The shot itself was quick and easy. In fact it took them longer to find/print out the paperwork than it did for me to get the shot and fill out said paperwork.

The downside, I felt like shite for two days. And my arm still feels sore in the spot I got the shot. But it's a small price to pay and, honestly, it's better than the alternative. It did put a bit of a crimp in my mood/ability to give a shit for the rest of the week.

Thursday DnD is cursed until further notice.

Friday was supposed to be Chiro Day... but that got cancelled... which was probably a good thing, given the aforementioned. I rescheduled for next Friday.

Friday night's DnD was... interesting. And I mean that literally. It's infinitely interesting watching the player's reactions to certain NPCs and situations, and also hearing them theorise things and how more or less accurate they are.

And we finished up with a character lore drop from Fluffy... which I wasn't expecting... and honestly, I don't think he was either. It also resulted in him putting together two pieces of information he hadn't put together before thanks to questions from Mister. So that was fun.


Today... supermarket.

We followed that up by wandering back down the road to the bookstore on the Parade. And spent a good chunk of time in there. It's a good bookstore, even if we didn't end up buying any actual books.

And that's that about that.

Current mood:

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