
photo saturday: wolf boy

fenris - wolf, hunter, warrior

There are some characters I think about a lot and some characters I hardly ever thing about.

Fenris is definitely the former. He was also one of the very first DnD Character Colouring Book entries.

And this redo wasn't the biggest of changes, although there is more than a little Photoshop fuckery in there too. But it was mostly just swapping out pants and boots, giving him an even more ridiculous axe, which makes absolutely no sense because I don't even know if someone of his build could attack with it. But also, screw it, he had the Strength score for it, and I'm working under Final Fantasy weapon design rules.

This version of the axe even gets a name... Solvarg... or Sun Wolf.

But, my teenaged wolf totem barbarian definitely sticks in my brain. It was an interesting build that was half accident, half beneficial to the rest of the party. And a very different kind of character than I often play. It's a shame I probably won't get to go back to him. Or at least not for a long while.


This week I made tuna mornay. And I will say that, for a while there, it was going probably as well as it's ever gone. The sauce thickened up nicely before I added in the last brine, it was spicy and flavourful in a way that I knew was going to settle nicely. The downside was that I started making it later than I probably should have, so I kind of ran out of time to thicken it up as much as I would have liked.

But it came out pretty nicely in the end.

Thursday's DnD had a chance of location, but we did finish up the adventure of the last few weeks. One left to go before we're done with this particular book. And next week, rather than skip a week since somebody is going to be away next week, we're going to discuss what's coming next.

Friday was Chiro Day... which was a pretty standard version of same. I did a little wandering afterwards, but nothing mind blowing.

Friday night DnD was good. It was interesting to see their reaction to an NPC that I had thought was fairly innocuous. I mean, yes, she's a mushroom dryad woman who has no eyes, clicks to echolocate and gives them little mushrooms that look slightly like them in order to share a dream-space.

Seems fine to me. Hahaha.

I was also happy making everything slightly more weird than a normal session since they're in the Feywild now... land of Faerie and all that.

It wasn't a super long session, but I left them on a cliffhanger for next week, so that's good too.


Today was fairly standard also.

Supermarket... then back here as normal, then we did the Big W, Kmart, back here loop. 

I wanted to look for a notebook for Lucky... and while I had four left over from all the ones I've bought over time, but none of them were... just right. Granted, the place that I used to get them from, Typo, doesn't do them to the amount or range that they used to, which is sad.

And while none of the ones I found today was perfect, there was one that will work nicely enough.

We also picked up a few little bits and pieces at Kmart, but that was about it really.

Current mood:

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