
photo saturday: monster hunter boy

dembe khamari - hunter, fighter, mercenary

Dembe Himayat Chiamaka Khamari never really got a a proper go at it.

He was a character made to play a set of games that fell apart before they got started. It happens.

And he was also me experimenting with whether the Battlemaster Fighter was a thing I wanted to play. It's okay. I might go back to it at some point. I think he was also the first time I dipped my toe into the water with Ranger. I never got as far as the subclass though.

Today's DnD Character Colouring Book is the end of a long line of potential reskins for Dembe. I never played him enough to really get a handle on his look. But I like where this ended up.

I don't know whether the gold markings on his face are supposed to be tattoos or face paint. I feel like they should be tattoos, because fussing with face paint doesn't feel very him. Why are they gold? How are they gold? Who knows... something something a wizard done it. I can see there being magically created tattoos that are not, themselves, inherently magical.

And the little chest with the tongue? Yeah, it's not really part of his character, although he was going to be a monster hunter and he does have a speciality in hunting monstrosities, and a mimic is a monstrosity. I just like the idea of a "pet mimic" following him around, never doing any damage, just hanging around. And it being too cute or too pathetic to kill.


Soup this week was poh-tay-toe. Basically. There was some leek and some bacon... and some dill. It was... okay. I've made better honestly.

Otherwise this week was a whole lot of nothing.

And on Wednesday one of the Thursday boys pulled the plug on that week's game after testing positive for everyone's favourite friend. Then on Friday one of the other boys reported his partner was positive in the morning before confirming he was also positive by the evening. Fun times... or whatever. So, we won't be doing that for a couple of weeks.

Friday night's DnD game was... a little bit chaos, a little bit perfect.

I've forgotten to mention the session titles for the last couple of weeks. So we had Mushroom Dreams followed by Swampy Tales... and this week I'm going to call A Rose By Any Other Name.

Because you know, it's not all the time that a random die roll on a random table leads your players to ending up with an awakened rose bush as a travelling companion. Especially given that it was all unplanned, although the fact Fluffy's character had just had a dream about some particularly vicious roses certainly helped.

Rose Bush is probably not going to last all that long, all things considered. Ten hitpoints isn't very many after all. But we'll see what happens. And I have plans... or... a plan. I had thoughts on the drive home last night... whatever.

Today was... a return to the old ways. Or something.

We did the supermarket. I bought things. That I will turn into soup. Of some kind.

Then we headed off to the movies. For the first time since the end of September last year. So, nine whole months. And it was good. But more on that later.

That was it though. That was the day.

Current mood:

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