
photo saturday: feeling lucky

lucky - fey lost, fey touched, fey boy

This is Lucky.

I'm currently very obsessed with Lucky. Lucky is what happens when I realise that I can't play my other potential rogue (Agent 13) because of bullshit reasons that don't really matter, but we live by them anyway in the Thursday game. And yes, my rant of several weeks back still stands and maybe I should take a break, but things are currently okay.

But back to the DnD Character Colouring Book entry for this week.

I thought about my dark, gothic Dhampir boy, Agent 13, and I said to myself "Self, what's the polar opposite of that". And I immediately knew the answer was "lean into that Feywild Bullshit". Which I adore.

So I did. He has the Feylost background, so he was lost in the Feywild as a child, he has the Fey Touched feat, which give him access to a couple of spells, and although he looks human, he's technically the "Custom Lineage" from Tasha's that lets me give him the ability to see in the dark.

Looking at the Feylost background there's a list of potential "Fey Marks", things that were altered about your physical body because of your time in the Feywild. A lot of them were cute, but the one that really stood out to me was a tail. And a rabbit tail or a fox tail, or those more obvious ideas. But no, I went with a lion's tail. Which then bled into the hair and it's colouring. The pendant came a lot later.

Once again a non-zero amount of Photoshop was used.

Speaking of going in the opposite direction from other potential characters, I wanted to go the opposite from Ghost as well. So, clearly, tall, well built, tanned. Blonde. Also, thinking about it, I think I need to give him my bad Southern accent. Partly because I haven't really done that with the Thursday group, and it just fits with the character I have in my head. Does that mean that the Fey have Southern accents? No idea.

And although I originally wanted to play a pure rogue, having stacked so much Fey Bullshit on him already, he absolutely needs to end up also being a Fey Wanderer Ranger. Which means he will end up with a stupid number of skill proficiencies and expertises without me even really trying.

I also made him a klepto. But less so for gold or things with monetary value, more for things he finds interesting. Which, given how he feels in my head, could be very changeable from session to session.

The backstory is one part Labyrinth, one part Tiffany Aching from Discworld, but without the older sister to come and rescue is ass. So, essentially he's Toby or Wentworth, left to his own devices in the Feywild.

How much of his character will survive first contact with the table I can't say. I'm going to give it a red hot go though.


Sunday I booked my flu vax at the pharmacy down the street. Because it's free until the end of the month. And I like things that are free. I could have actually had it then and there, but I'd left stuff in the oven and had planned to get it done on Monday, so I stuck to that.

I also made beef soup. Well, beef, barley and vegetable soup technically. I've never had a beef soup get quite so close to being what I want it to be before. So that was nice.

Monday I went down the street to get my flu vax. I was in and out within about 10 minutes and the whole thing was relatively painless. However it did knock me slightly on my ass for three or four days. Not horrifically, but I definitely felt it worse than other recent vaxs.

Or it's been a while since those and I forgot how those felt.

I ended up giving up on Monday night and went to bed at about 9:30. But mostly it was fine.

It also may be partially because I can't remember the last time I actually HAD a flu vax.

There was no Thursday DnD this week because people had other plans. Which was fine, because the weather has been cold and shitful and the aforementioned flu vax. So I was fine with that.

Friday night DnD was great. I've been naming the sessions afterwards, and I should record them for posterity.

So the first session was subtitled "Baam's Not Dead". The second was "Witch + Light = Witchlight?" and last night's session was "The Big Top Heist". And heist they did. Very successfully. They got what they needed, they have the proverbial keys to the next part of the adventure... but I'm not rushing them out they door of the carnival just yet.

What's interesting is I initially wasn't sure how long they would want to spend in the carnival. I thought maybe a couple of sessions. But not I'm thinking maybe 4 or 5. It's also not like we're playing for four hours at a time, so, they're shorter sessions, but yeah, they're going to be at the carnival for a while.

Which I'm fine with. I'm very much enjoying running this adventure so far. And those moments of just pure invention. Where you might have a brief description in the book or you need to come up with something on the fly and it just flows out of your mouth and works in the moment. Plus I'm very excited about What Comes Next.


Today was, once again, nothing much.

We did the supermarket thing. And I decided on the way home last night that I wanted to try something different soup-wise this week. Initially I thought about making tuna mornay, but honestly, I wasn't in the mood to actually make it. Eat it, yes. Make it, not so much.

So I'm trying a Lasagne Soup. I know, it sounds questionable, but I can't be fucked trying to make actual lasagne anymore. It takes too long and never comes out the way I want it to. So we'll see how this works. If it works.

After that we came back here and... basically did nothing. And then Ma went home some time later.

So there's that about that.

Current mood:

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