
photo saturday: thunder and lightning

masika - ex-pirate, business-woman, bad-ass

If Masika El-Borak is looking at you like that, you should already be running... because you've clearly annoyed her and now it's time for lightning. Or thunder. Or both.

So... maybe I started doing slight tweaks to some of my Hero Forge character designs... and many I couldn't stop and maybe everybody got a little bit of a tweak. Welcome to this week's DnD Character Colouring Book.

And maybe Masika got redesigned (not for the first time) from the ground up. And quite possibly, now that she's canonically supposed to be a Responsible Business Owner in the fiction of the game, since she owns half of a shipping company with one of the other PCs, maybe she decided it was time for new threads.

One day there's going to be The Perfect Jacket and I can call the design finished. But until now, this will do. Likewise, normally I would have done some Photoshop fuckery and maybe given her a shirt under the breastplate... but I did play around with the idea, and I kind of like that she's more open now and more willing to show off her Lictenberg scars.

Because, as I've said many times, the women who went into the desert in her first adventure and the woman who eventually left the little town on the other side of the desert are two very different women.


So... Lasagne Soup. Two words that probably shouldn't be next to each other in a sentence. But, honestly, it wasn't bad. I mean, at worst it was either slightly sloppy lasagne or very, very thick soup. And, I think breaking up lasagne sheets into soup isn't the worst idea in the world. You know, in regular soup.

Most of this week was... forgettable. Or at least the bits before Thursday.

And I say forgettable, because it was both Ma and Owlgirl's birthdays and had Ma and I not had a conversation about it the previous Saturday, I would have forgotten both days. As it was I only remembered Owlgirl's birthday because she posted to Instagram about it... but I only saw that at like 11pm. So... there's that. I mean, I should fucking remember, it's the day after Ma's... but no... totally didn't.


Thursday night's DnD was... fine. We did have discussions about what we're potentially doing next. Or, rather, more discussions. The game itself was... well, I have opinions about it. Which aren't potentially useful for this campaign given how close to the end we are, but are definitely informing my thoughts for the next campaign.

But they're still a work in progress right now.

Friday night's DnD was... fucking fantastic.

I wasn't sure how many sessions they were going to spend in the carnival. Turns out the magic number was four. So Session 4 was subtitled "Things Take A Turn"... which works two ways... because they finally rode the carousel... but also, things got... serious.

And they said goodbye to the carnival. So next week the adventure really kicks into gear.

Once again though I wouldn't be prouder of all of them. They're asking the right questions so that I don't have to do an exposition dump later, they're wildly speculating on possible future events and connecting all the wrong dots (mostly), they're getting emotionally invested in NPCs they're never going to see again... LOL.

I will also say that the moment when you start Laying Down Lore and everyone around the table scrambles for their pencils and starts furiously taking notes... it's a powerful drug, I won't lie. Doubly so because some of it was stuff that I'd rewritten myself and not part of the book.

Of course, it also means I'm going to need to do some serious prep before next Friday, because they're in a whole new spot. I might also need to take a highlighter to my printed version of the adventure, just to help me find sections more easily.

But at the same time I don't know if we're going to be jumping back and forward around in my notes quite as much... or there's not as many little bits and pieces we might be jumping between. It's more larger sections.

We'll see. I don't know that it'll hurt if I just throw something random on the teevee and sit down with my notes and a highlighter one night.

Today was... different. And also a thing we should have fucking done before now. In that the thing we went to do finished last week. Urgh.


We did the supermarketness of it all. The plan is chicken soup. But, maybe with a bit of an Asian twist. And I say twist, but basically I think it's just going to be throwing a couple of Pho flavoured stock cubes in and some coriander and calling it a day. Oh, and some bok choy.

And then we went into the city to go to the Art Gallery.

To see the 2022 Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art... which, you guessed it, finished last Sunday. I would have sworn black and blue that it went until July... turns out I was incredibly wrong.

But we saw some nice art, including a really trippy (and tiny) exhibition... the return of one of my very favourite pieces of art in the whole gallery (and it's not just because he's very naked)... and several spots where I didn't necessarily love most of the artworks, but I did seriously dig the way the gallery was displaying them.

Also unsurprisingly, I really dig 1920's and 1930's sculpture. Well. Most of it.

It's also been a long time since Ma and I went into the city for anything. Together I mean. But, honestly, it's been a while since Ma's been in the city. And it was probably the most people I've been around in a hot minute. Or at least the most amount of people while not everyone was wearing a mask.

We didn't do a ton of wandering around, I took her to see the new Dymocks, then we went to Koko Black, the chocolate cafe, and had hot chocolate. Which, on the scale of "amazing hot chocolates I've had in my life" is probably not anywhere on the Top 10, but it was pretty decent. And I only say that because I've had a lot of that really thick, basically melted chocolate, hot chocolate... and I just like those better.

But that was it. Oh, there was a brief stop at the Haighs store in town, but then we called it a day.

Current mood:

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