
photo saturday: protectors

macabe - archer, protector, foresterlittlefoot - protector, acolyte, mother

On the surface, it doesn't seem like there would be much of a parallel between today's D&D Character Colouring Book friends... beyond them both having recently benefitted from a do-over and them both being my characters.

But Macabe and Littlefoot (because she never went by her first name, only ever the surname) are both the protectors of their communities. Or were, before they headed off to seek their fortune in the world. They did leave others behind in their stead though.

Sadly, I couldn't remember how I did Macabe's tattoos originally. It must have all been hand done, but I honestly couldn't be arsed doing that again, although the amount of time I actually spent trying to get them right, I totally could have done and it would possibly have taken less time. But instead I went for a "reverse" tattoo, where the background is filled in, but the flowers and leaves and such are bare skin. It's not perfect, but I kinda dig it. And the sleeveless look was some Photoshop fuckery where I basically did a shirted and shirtless version of him and then Frankensteined them together.

I really like Littlefoot's makeover though. Part of which is just an upgrade to the actual pieces in Hero Forge in the time between when I originally made her and now. And as much as I liked the hat in the old version, it felt a little clunky and the hooded hat made more sense. Doubly so when you consider that she literally lost her head (and died) in game. She's fine, but I never had the opportunity to play her again, which was disappointing, because I liked her quite a bit.

What I have been finding as I redo some of these older models is that just changing the posing actually does quite a lot. And, in these cases, I feel like they tell you quite a bit about the characters. Also, that I'm really not a huge fan of action poses. 


This week's soup was... fine. It was basically chicken, veg and barley... but I used some Pho stock cubes, and the end result was... fine. But in no way mindblowing nor something I'm going to repeat.

I had the most fun ever (cue massive sarcasm) on Tuesday when I went it to update my drivers license. And yes, unsurprisingly, things were massively different between 2012 and 2022. And yes, while it was generally quicker and easier, there's something of an irony about a lack of service from a place called Service SA.

And again, not that people weren't attentive, it's just that the way of doing things now generally seems to be "do it your damn self". Which is fine, but when you can't even provide me with a copy of my temporary license or don't tell me that I can access the updated version of my licence through the Service SA app on my phone is... a problem.

But at the end of the day I got in, I got my photo took, I got out.

It also turned out that I didn't actually need my license at all for the rest of the week.

Because there was no Thursday D&D and no Friday D&D since Fluffy wasn't feeling well.

I could have gone to play board games with Mr and Mrs on Friday... but, honestly, by that point in the week, I just wasn't in the mood. So there's not a lot to report for this week.


Today we did the supermarket thing... and I'm going to give tuna mornay a try for the first time in the new place. Pray for me.

Afterwards we did a trip to Officeworks (I finally bought some printer ink... woot) and then did a stroll around Spotlight.

Not terribly exciting, but at least it was better than just sitting around and doing sweet fuck all.

Current mood:

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