
fringe: quest time!

adelaide fringe: quest time! by improv adelaide
Quest Time! by Improv Adelaide kind of brings me all the way around to my first experience with both improv and a number of the performers.

It all started with Dungeons and Improvisation Adventure Show in 2013, then Improvise To Go in 2014 and back-to-back Unplotted Potter in 2016 and 2017.

And while all of the shows have had a fantasy vibe of one sort or another, Quest Time is a VERY Dungeons and Dragons based show.

Unsurprisingly, I enjoyed the living daylights out of it.

Of the four shows I've seen, there is just something that happens when Master of Ceremonies, and in this case, actual Dungeon Master, Joshua Kapitza is there (in this case, it's that there was at least a partially coherent story, or at least someone giving them prompts), and I always enjoy his reactions to the insanity that is happening on stage.

For tonight's show, Eden Trebilco, Kendra and Rene were our "player characters", a gnome bard, a gnome fighter and a dwarf warlock respectively (and yes, Rene, while you may not have known anything about DnD including what any of your spells did, you still basically acted like 90% of all the warlocks I've ever had at my table) while Curtis Shipley, Marshall Cowan and Nathan Stavridis were everybody else in the world (or the "non player characters").

The amusing thing was that all three PCs asked for race and name suggestions from different parts of the audience, so they didn't actually know they were going to be the "all short-arse" party until they introduced their characters at the beginning of the show.

Aided by both story prompts and dice rolls from Kapitza (some very, very, very good dice rolls, I will say... I even checked one of his natural 20's when he asked), the merry band of heroes adventured in a bathhouse/day spa, ran afoul of nobles, met some crap magicians, escaped on a boat, set off to rescue missing children in exchange for getting to level 5 "via montage", heard voices and fought a shapechanging monster (in this case a wendigo).

As with all improv shows, your mileage will most likely vary.

I also got a kick out of the references to actual DnD spells... more so when Rene was guessing what they did based on their names, which in some cases, completely reasonable... in others, no way you're ever going to know. I also may have to steal Eden's idea that his character's "healing word" was HEAL, shouted at the injured individual.

Like I said, it was an excellent show... it never went completely off the rails (which I tend to prefer in both my DnD and my improv), and I had a lot of laughs.

yani's rating: 4 hurdy-gurdy out of 5

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