Some time during this schooling, according to Improv Adelaide's Unplotted Potter, he fell in love with an Irish girl, asked her to dress like a beaver to meet his mother, made the Unbreakable Vow to the self-same mother that one day he would be the headmaster of Hogwarts, was challenged for School President by a girl with a hideous face, convinced her to throw the election in return for Crafternoons (craft afternoons) and was almost the cause of a feud between the heads of Hufflepuff and Slytherin.
Of course given that the whole show was improvised, and the character the show was about was drawn out of a hat by the audience, you'll see a very different show.
So as with all the improv shows I've seen before, the quality really comes down to the cast... and there were more than a few faces I remember from previous improv shows... Jarrad and Eden from Death Comes At The End, (Jarrad playing the title role of Phineas) plus Curtis and Kendra from the Dungeons and Dragons and Monopoly based shows. I feel like I've seen the woman who played Phineas's mother in one of the shows, but I never heard her name clearly.
All the players were excellent though... but I especially loved Kendra's turn as the Slytherin head of house and as referenced above the woman who played the mother. Also, full props go to Jarrad for keeping the character of Phineas alive throughout.
Actually there weren't any dud performances... everyone was definitely on top of their game and while there are always moments where the story either jumps screaming off the rails or hits a wall in any improv show, the cast were all remarkably good at either cutting to another scene or bailing each other out when it all fell apart.
It just feel like we were getting into the meat of the story when we suddenly had the lights go down again and it was all over with. But really that just means that the time flew by and the story was pretty damn engaging.
But if you're a Harry Potter fan, this is definitely a show to see.
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