
photo saturday: succulents

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Well I never seized up... that was a blessing.

Although it was a busy week, relatively speaking.

Monday was DnD... which meant me running a full table. As much as a full table is great, I do prefer smaller groups, but the downside of being a popular DM (#humblebrag) is you often end up with a table full of players.

But my players had a good time, even if the session ran a little long and a couple of them had to bail slightly early.

I realised over the weekend that not only did I have a chiro appointment on Friday, but the only day I wasn't doing something else at some point was Tuesday. So without telling Ma, I headed down to her place just before lunch time and put together her IKEA chest of drawers. It wasn't so bad... at least not as bad as the wardrobe, partially because I have a very similar set of drawers (I would say identical since it's supposed to be, but they've clearly changed the design a little in the last two or so years). So I just put on my headphones and listened to a few episodes of 99% Invisible while I worked.

Pretty easy all things considered.

I also put up the curtains I'd brought down, because I figured if she didn't notice anything else, then she would notice bright red curtains.

Then I headed home to see if the woman famous for not noticing things actually noticed things. She did, but not until about 6:30 that night. And she was very happy, which is good.

Wednesday was back to back DnD... I ended up running, just because nobody else had stepped up and there weren't that many of us overall. To be honest, we could have made up one table, but if anybody had showed up a little late we would have had to split anyway. Plus, as I said, running a small table is always preferable.

And it was an adventure I've run a bunch and really love, which is also pretty easy to run. Everybody said they had a good time, so that's really the main thing.

Wednesday night wasn't our regularly scheduled game, but we played our older characters, which was fun, since it's been a little while. Although I will say that the adventure just seemed way too easy overall. But then part of that it that group... but also probably the adventure.

Thursday was a lot of pfaffing about. And I wasn't even sure I wanted to be bothered going to DnD... but I went, and had a lot of fun playing an entirely new character nothing like any of my other characters. Because sometimes it's fun to play big, dumb and friendly.

Friday was the chiro appointment... which I was very glad about. My body had mostly been okay all week, but it was definitely in need of a tune up.

Today, being both the first day of the Fringe, but also the first proper Saturday since Ma moved house, was a bit of a long day.

We did the shopping thing... then came back here before heading out to pick up a few of the things that Ma wanted now that she's actually moved into the new place. Which took us to Kmart and Spotlight and Bunnings.

Nothing super thrilling to be honest, and it was all a little irritating mostly due to people.

But once we were done, we went down to Ma's place to drop off her shopping and for me to do a few things for her related to the stuff we picked up. At the very least it filled the afternoon in.

Also, weirdly, at some point seemingly between getting out of the car at her place and going into her bedroom to open the blind, I manged to cut my thumb. I say "at some point" because I don't remember doing it, I don't even remember hurting it. All I know is that it was a very clean slice, not super deep but deep enough all things considered. And I only noticed when I realised there was blood on my other finger.

We also found blood on a couple of other things I'd touched, but there shouldn't have been anything even remotely sharp that I touched, so fuck knows how I actually did it.

Me and slicing my fingers... what the hell is up with that.

Anyway, we did what we needed to do down there, then packed up and came back to my place before heading out to Grilld at Norwood for dinner.

And then we started our 2019 Fringe (more on that in a bit).

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