
photo saturday: trees and feathers

pelican bluemorning light

river treespelican fluff
Today was nice and simple... which is exactly what we needed after Fringe.

This week however has been all about getting ready for my rental inspection. I mean it was all stuff I could probably have crammed into a single day, but it's nice that I'm able to space it out and do a little bit each day (or not if I wasn't feeling it) in order to get ready. It also meant that I could tidy things up properly and sort some stuff out.

All I need to do now is clean the bathroom, mop the floors and then just do any last minute stuff on Monday, and we're good. Annoyingly there is also someone coming to look at the smoke detectors on Thursday... but that's hopefully only going to be a five minute thing (and if I'm really lucky, I'll be on my walk anyway).

Otherwise DnD continues to be DnD. Although note to self, don't just assume you have the right modules in your bag, actually check that shit. Also it's fun when characters just give themselves personality traits without you realising it's happening.

Like my half-elf archer is a little bit racist when it comes to goblins. I mean I don't really blame him, his first adventure was a demonic underground circus full of them, then he met a player character who was one of the most irritating goblins ever, and this week it was goblins once again (and more demonic shit). So he kind of hates goblins.

My noble dwarf wizard got to show the other side of her personality this week after being irritated and angry about everything for the last weeks worth of in game time. She does have a habit of fully flirting with men in positions of power though.

But enough of that...

Today was, as the start of this post said, nice and simple.

I was ready when Ma arrived, which was a nice change, we went and did the supermarket thing, although I didn't really buy all that much of anything, because I keep buying stuff and then never using it. Of course this week I'll want all the things and not have them.

When were were done and had come back here for the unpackery, we didn't really have a plan, but there also weren't any movies we really wanted to see, so we settled on a trip to IKEA. Before that though was a brief trip to drop some old books I no longer wanted/needed at Oxfam on Hutt Street (because they're always appreciative, and it's easier than finding somewhere that want to buy them).

IKEA was... well, IKEA... although for some reason we spent a lot more time looking in their little sample rooms... maybe because this is the first time we've been since they updated them all, but there were a lot of things I really liked about a lot of the rooms.

Mostly I wanted yet another photo frame, but we found a couple of other things along the way... nothing thrillingly exciting to be honest.

After we'd done the full wander we called it a day and Ma dropped me off here before heading off home.

I'm not gunna lie... it was nice to not have to fill in the rest of the afternoon.

Current Mood:

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