
photo saturday: below the surface

metal seadragonssingle shell

triple shellsmetal diver
This week has been all turned around.

Monday was a day full of cleaning before the rental inspection on Tuesday. I'm really not sure why it is that cleaning the bathroom and mopping/cleaning the floors takes so fucking long. I mean I know that part of it is because I really hate doing it, so I'm not exactly rushing, and because I have to move some of the furniture around in order to mop properly, so then I have to wait for bits to dry before I can do other bits... but still... it takes for-fucking-ever.

By the time I was done I was pretty much fried, I'd managed to kill my mop (mostly because of shoddy construction) and possibly knacker my vacuum cleaner (because it was full and I got a bottle lid caught in the intake part... so it overheated, and since I had my headphones on I couldn't hear it complaining... hopefully it's okay, I should check on it at some point). That was the point at which I should have said "fuck DnD for tonight", but I didn't...

And I just wasn't feeling it. It may have been okay, but everything just felt more unorganised than usual, everything was annoying me, and the choices for modules weren't where my head was, so I ended up turning around and leaving.

It was probably a good plan, I just came home and vegetated.

Tuesday I got out of the apartment around 9 after making sure everything was ship-shape and ready to be inspected. I ended up spending the morning at the library in town working on a project, then went to the movies.

And I still don't know what I need to do to get an "excellent" rating on my inspections... but whatever, I don't really care, it's over for another few months.

Wednesday was the usual DnD session... well, not really because I ended up running a game, which I hadn't planned on, but it was a module I've run a bunch of times.

Thursday I had a guy coming to check on the smoke detectors, supposedly between 9am and 11am. So I went for my walk, stopped off at the supermarket, etc, first thing... hoping it would be over and done with by the time I got back. No, you guessed it, he showed up at 11:15am.

Granted he was only here for about 5 minutes, but still, it's the principle of the thing.

Thursday night was also DnD... but the usual Thursday group were all busy being not at DnD, so I played with... I don't want to say "randoms" because I'm played with and/or run for all of them... but randoms in a Thursday sense. It was actually a good adventure, partly because they were mostly better behaved.

Friday, being Good Friday, I basically just did a massive amount of nothing.

Today wasn't terribly exciting... and a lot of it felt like trying to avoid the nine thousand people who always go out to shop when the stores have been shut for a single day.

The supermarket portion of the day was pretty much what it was... I didn't really buy all that much, so we'll see how well that works out later in the week.

After shopping, we once again didn't really have any plans, so we decided to head down to Marion and go to the movies. The usual wandering was somewhat hampered by the aforementioned nine thousand people, plus the fact we were mostly just killing time until the movie.

Afterwards we grabbed some food and then called it a day...

Also, and this is mostly a note to future me, a conversation was had this week. A conversation that will in all likelihood amount to absolutely nothing, but if in the very unlikely event it amounts to enough of something at some point, I want to remember that it started at this point.

Okay, enough of that... that's it for this week.

Current Mood:

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