It's been a while... but let's revisit "things I know to be true right now"...
- The idiots in ABC management have cancelled Good Game... I'm still, as they say, salty over that one...
- Peter Capaldi is leaving Doctor Who at the end of the year... this isn't great news, but at least Steven Moffatt is leaving at the same time, because the show hasn't been as good since he took over the reins... and of the names I've seen bandied about, I like the idea (in no particular order) of Ben Whishaw, Adrian Lester, Sacha Dhawan... and I wouldn't object to anyone from the Alternative History of female Doctors who's still working and because I'm loving Vera right now, throw in Brenda Blethyn...
- Work has been all kinds of nuts this week... not helped by the fact that my offsider has been much more off than side this week... on the down side it's meant that I haven't had a moment to scratch my nose all week... on the up side it meant that the week went remarkably quickly...
- The "New World Order" starts on Monday at work... while it's perhaps not the worst idea ever, it's filled none of us with confidence...
- The Garden of Unearthly Delights and Gluttony are both currently under construction in the parklands... I see them as I go past on the bus in the mornings... you know what that means...
Today was quite literally a rinse and repeat of last Saturday and the Saturday before that and the Saturday before that...
I couldn't be bothered doing the dishes on Friday night so when I got up this morning I washed all the dishes... so I ended up getting to the supermarket around the time we used to arrive.
I'll be honest, I don't think I actually got all the stuff I should have gotten to make lunch for next week... in fact, beyond the fact that I got lettuce, I really have no actual plan. Always fun.
Then I went down to Ma's... we wandered around her shops, bought some stuff and went back to her place... so same old same old.
She's finally out of the sling after the doctor gave her the okay... it'll be another couple of weeks before she can start driving again.
As has been our habit of late, I hung around long enough to watch the aforementioned Vera, then called it quits and came home.
Current Mood:

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