Not that she's not glamour personified, because she damn well is (hello red sparkling dress, nude fishnets, nude stilettos and hair with more than a hint of Farrah Fawcett about it), but there's something about her manner and her presence that just puts you at ease. From the beginning of the show where she comes down off stage and says hello to various people and shakes their hand (I was one of the lucky few), to the point in the show where she just comes and sits on the edge of the stage to chat with the crowd, Panti just makes you feel at home.
It may just be that honeyed Irish voice of hers, it may be the wicked storytelling, or it may just be that she is in all respects a National Fucking Treasure™.
I'll admit, I didn't know anything about Dr Bliss before the show, but, like most of the comedians that I love, she's a natural story teller and shares the story of how she became the aforementioned National Fucking Treasure™. But she also just makes a lot of fucking sense, and some of the things she says about drag and why she does it are things that I've heard other queens say, but never quite that succinctly and eloquently.
Panti is without doubt a queen well worth your time, although given that tonight was her last show, you'll need to either catch her in Perth or Sydney or wait until the next time she wings her way back to Adelaide.
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