Do you know what's harder that the first week back after time off over Christmas? The second week. Because the first week is the first week and it's not a whole week and you're catching up with people. But the second week is just work.
The early part of the week was a little quiet... but it kind of ramped up towards the end with some general insanity...
I made it until Monday before I went and bought the Moana soundtrack CD. I'd been playing the YouTube version I found after the movie last Saturday on and off over the weekend, and I just wanted the physical CD.
Then Thursday was Haircut Night... thank goodness. I haven't had my hair cut since the end of November... and that was a bit of a place-holder haircut. So I was all kinds of unkempt and shaggy in the last couple of weeks.
It was good to see Tink again too. And it's remarkable how much I felt like a person again once I had a decent haircut. And colour.
Friday was my chiro appointment, which was really more of a knee, elbow and wrist adjustment with some back adjustment thrown in. Clearly I'm just old and falling apart.
I had a bit of a wander afterwards... the usual cycle, Zing, Greenlight Comics, Haighs, Dymocks and Target... but I couldn't be bothered walking home, so I just caught the bus.
Today, while I didn't quite drag myself out of bed to be at the supermarket for when it opened, I was still all done by about 8:30, then came back here, unpacked, sorted everything out and headed down to Ma's.
We didn't really do much of anything... but she did need to go to the chemist, so we ended up doing a complete loop of her shopping centre, poked around the major shops, picked up a few bits and pieces, but nothing much.
Then I came back here, dumped all my stuff and headed off to Laygo to pick up my Lego Batman minifigures that I got a message about a couple of days ago.
And that was really about it...
Current Mood:

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