Today's photos are in honour of some sad news from Adelaide Zoo that I read this morning...
Adelaide Zoo is celebrating the life of its most iconic and oldest resident, the Greater Flamingo, after the difficult decision was made to humanely put the flamingo to sleep this morning as its quality of life had significantly deteriorated due to complications associated with old age.I always liked to stop off at the flamingo pond whenever I visited the zoo to take a look at Greater and his pond-mate Chilly, so it's very sad that he's gone now. It's also a shame that there's a temporary ban on importing flamingos into Australia, so it could be a few years before we see another familiar pink face at the Adelaide Zoo, if at all.
The 83-year old flamingo affectionately known as 'Greater' was a favourite amongst zoo goers for generations arriving at Adelaide Zoo in the 1930s. Greater is best known for being the world's oldest flamingo and the last Greater Flamingo to have resided in Australia.
Otherwise this week has been... actually kinda frustrating. The cast on my arm is driving me a particularly interesting shade of crazy. It's not painful in the slightest... well, except the few times that I've knocked my thumb or the cast has somehow moved into the wrong spot. And I haven't heard from the hospital regarding my appointment with Outpatient Orthopedics. And I even called them in the middle of the week to follow up. Supposedly I was going to hear by the end of this week, but clearly that ship has sailed.
I know it's a public hospital and I'm not paying anything, but seriously, what the actual fuck! I just want this fucking cast off my arm. Actually, I want this whole stupid thing to never have happened, but again, that ship has sailed, so I'm going with the things that should be attainable.
I have discovered that I can feed myself, chop vegetables (okay, so technically it's pretty much just the ability to grip utensils) and do a host of other things using just the fingers on my right hand. Opening doors is a little problematic, but that's where my left hand comes in.
It hasn't really helped that I've felt pretty cooped up this week... while it hasn't officially been a heatwave (at least I don't think so, but the media likes to beef these things up) it's been a little on the warm side... although I've been slightly approaching chilly for a lot of the week thanks to my fabulous air-con. And add that to the fact I can't drive anywhere and I can't really do all that much around the apartment (well, I possibly could, but it could just be an exercise in frustration) has left me feeling a little bit crazypants.
One of the things I finally got around to (other than putting together the shoe rack from IKEA on Sunday... which was actually surprisingly easy to put together, even with a cast on my arm) was watching the whole second season of The Newsroom... and as much as I loved the first season, the second season took it to a whole new level, with a season-wide story arc that unfolded a little more every episode.
I've also been investigating ideas for a clock in the living room... I looked at Etsy and eBay and there are a few interesting clocks out there, but they're kind of more than I want to pay... so I'm thinking I may try to make one. And at present I'm thinking I could use one of the IKEA Ribba frames I already have... specifically the one with my Lifescout pins in it.
And it just so happens that I have 12 physical Lifescout pins. So with a few minor alterations and a clock kit, I could have a one of a kind clock. I'm just not sure if there will be enough room inside the frame for the clock hands. We'll see I guess.
Not sure if it's even worth starting the project until I have the use of both hands though.
*le sigh*
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