
photo saturday: he is the night

bo bafflestone - ranger, emo, assassin

There have, at this point, been ten versions of Bo Bafflestone over six posts, including this one.

And today's DnD Character Colouring Book is the 2024 PHB reboot. Which partially came about when I realised that Here Forge had updated the blade prosthetic to that the pants tucked into it nicely and didn't just cover it over in a really dumb way.

But given that there isn't the Drakewarden Ranger in the new PHB, I decided to flesh out the middle Emo version from the previous incarnations. And decided on a Gloom Stalker/Assassin combo. Whether or not that would be fun to play over just a straight Ranger or straight Rogue remains to be seen, but I also don't know that this is a character I would end up playing. I do like to just keep him alive within the context of the world though.


I finally managed to make a pasta salad that wasn't a struggle to get through this week. Turns out the answer was Thousand Island dressing. And not using yoghurt.

This week's Mini Media Reviews is a Tale of Two... somethings. I don't know where I was going with that. But I started with Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham.

Which I wasn't sure exactly where we were going... because the font of the title is a little bit like the video game Doom. But it turns out this is "Batman: Cthulhu Edition"... And I'm absolutely here for the 1920/30's of it all. There were some points where it didn't completely gel, and, honestly, I'm mostly bored with any Ra's al Ghul storyline. But overall I liked the various versions of Batman characters in this genre.

Paired with that though was possible the best thing I've seen in a hot minute.

The Interview with the Vampire series.

I read the book back in the day, I saw the movie in theatres, I'm here for the story generally. Although I did find that when I tried to go back and reread the book I couldn't do it after having read some of the later ones.

But I adore everything that they did with this series. Moving the historical timeline forward to the 1910's, making Louis and Claudia black/creole, making the 1970's original interview canon, but also making this interview be set in 2021 as a follow up, weaving in references to some of the later storylines without taking away from any of them, just seeding them in when appropriate.

I will say that I would, at some point, like a version of this story where they cast Armand correctly according to his book description, but I also fully acknowledge the inherent issues with "a beautiful adolescent boy, 5’6, with curly auburn hair, large brown eyes and slender fingers" when casting something and given what's required of the actor in this part. But it would have been fascinating.

That's only a minor quibble though, because no version has gotten it right (although Queen of the Damned got the closest, but even then they hired a minor Australian actor and reduced his role to a glorified extra with a couple of lines).

But disregarding that, it's basically 10/10. Even though there are times you want to punch everybody in the face... but that's just the story really.

They are making a third season (and probably a fourth) that will cover The Vampire Lestat. And I'm absolutely here for it. I'll be honest, given where the books go later, they can do The Queen of the Damned and kind of give up after that. Just drag in the good plotlines from some of the later things.

Friday was Chiro Day. Which fortunately was just a minor tuneup. I wandered around a little afterwards and decided that I'm going to wait and buy the new PHB later... there's no real rush, I have access to all the information, and maybe I'll wait until they make the first round of corrections.

Then Friday Night DnD ended up being Session Zero for the next campaign. Which mostly consisted of each of us having a little side conversation with Mr, who is running this one, while the other two entertained themselves in another room. It will be interesting to start the campaign next week and finally meet each other's characters.

It was a very atypical evening for us though, but pleasant.


Today was the usual supermarket wanderings followed by a quick trip out to Spotlight for new bedding for Ma. And a rummage through the left over stuff from Christmas. Which was mostly underwhelming.

And that's it really.

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