
photo saturday: adventing 2024, part five

hero forge advent calendar - week five

Well... the 2024 Hero Forge Advent Calendar mostly left with a whimper not a bang. Firstly, we don't need any more shields at this point. We have shields. The breastplate is kind of weird, but decent enough. The book would be okay if we had a version without the dumb letters/compass rose on it.

And the less said about those slippers the better. They are literally cursed.

But honestly, at the end of 31 days, there are like four or five items that I would bother using in the future. Honestly, the whole month was a little bit of a dumpster fire. I mean, yay for new, free items. And great that their artists get to design a bunch of random things for the month.

It's just that this is much more of a disaster than previous years. It's not just that a lot of the items are stuff I wouldn't necessarily use... when when they're an item that I could have considered using, they were just an uglier version of that item.

Disappointing really.


This week has somehow felt forever days long. I don't know if that's because I spent a lot of time writing things for the blog, or because I saw Fluffy twice this week, or just because, you know, New Years.

I made what I'm called "loaded potato salad" this week, basically just potato salad with bacon and some extra stuff. It was enough to get me through the week tho.

I already covered NYE/NYD... but this kind of feels like the right spot for both a Mini Media Review, but also my Best Of Media 2024 list. Which I couldn't really justify a whole post for.

This week, in addition to Teen Wolf: The Movie and Big Business, I watched Hellboy: The Crooked Man and Invitation to a Murder.

Hellboy was... trying too hard. I know it's based on a graphic novel, and I might search that out at some stage, but, honestly, the movie was trying too damn hard to be spooky and creepy. So much so that it mostly succeeded in putting me to sleep. And Jack Kesy didn't really work for me as Hellboy. Partially, I think, because they just slapped the Ron Pearlman makeup on him, but he felt too small. And I liked Jefferson White as Character We've Never Heard Of Before more than Hellboy.

It was kind of like watching a fan-film or a student film. Big swing, big miss.

By comparison, Invitation to a Murder is... kind of a mess, knows that it's kind of a mess, leans into being messy and was 100% more enjoyable.

Weirdly Mischa Barton kept giving me slight Kirsten Dunst vibes, but I also think that it was because I haven't really seen her in anything for about 15 years. So she's just a 38 woman now as opposed to the early 20's she was then.

The movie is completely ridiculous, but I still very much enjoyed it.

As far as The Best Things I Watched In 2024... in more or less descending order

I'm also going to add the entirety of Westworld as an Honorable Mention, even if it was occasionally doing too much. And because the final season will probably never happen.

Friday Night DnD was The End Of The Campaign. Which meant that we did about 52 sessions across 84 weeks. Which makes sense given various bouts of travel, sickness and what-have-you.

Mostly we mopped up the final details from last week, and moved on to our "what happens next". And, honestly, I didn't have any grand ideas, but this is very much a character that is going to continue on in the background, just doing his thing.


Given that it was going to be relatively warm today, we really just did the supermarket thing.

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