This might become slightly traditional... the DnD Character Colouring Book the second week of any new campaign might just be my versions of my fellow party members. It certainly worked for the last campaign. I also realised this week that we ended up picking, essentially, the three most basic DnD Food Groups for this campaign. Human, elf and dwarf.
And no, those are not their actual names. I'm also pretty sure, in the case of The Oldest Dwarf Ever, that his background and class aren't right either, but he does feel slightly like the World's Oldest Urchin, and while he's definitely a monk, the Long Death subclass just seemed to comedically fit.
What I will say is that Celesti was the result of a post-game workshopping of a mini that Mrs was unhappy with (even if I was handicapped by it being on a mobile that wasn't mine), but then I did my own version of it last Saturday. And she was so happy with it when I sent her the mini, she ordered that version with no changes. Which I take as a win, since when I was running Witchlight, she never ended up with a mini design she was happy with.
What I will say is that I really like the face on Oldy. And the I feel like I'm in a groove both with posing and the Face Customiser. Especially when looking back at some of the very old minis.
Tuna Pasta Salad this week... and it was good.
In Mini Media Reviews... Season 2 of The Umbrella Academy. Favourite character absolutely remains Number Five. I don't see that changing. And I care less and less about Luther and Diago as times goes on. And speaking of time, the (mild spoilers for a show from 2020) time travel to 1960's of it all certainly expanded the scope of the show if not necessarily the core idea. Weirdly, even though it was the same number of episodes, and several of them felt shorter or were shorter than their first season counterparts, Season 2 felt much longer. Mostly, I think, because each character was dealing with their own external storyline instead of (mostly) internal storylines about the interfamily dynamic.
The only other thing I watched was the 2019 Hellboy. Which was, for the most part, just straight up terrible. And looked so much worse than it's predecessor from 15 years ago. Because 2019 relies on CG for the most part, whereas 2004 do so much stuff practically.
Which is a shame, because Neil Marshall also made Dog Soldiers back in the day. So I don't know what happened. I do know that at least part of it is absolutely miscasting David Harbour as Hellboy, because he manages to be completely without charm throughout. But I also lay blame on Andrew Crosby for writing a script that was predominately forgettable.
Friday Night DnD was good... we're still finding our feet, and being level 1 is always somewhat of a struggle based on limited resources and abilities. Also we're very obviously still in the opening act, and have barely touched on the wider plot. Plus our characters have known each other for like three/four days.
So we're clearly on the Struggle Bus. We'll get there though.
Today wasn't anything exciting. We did the supermarket and all that entails, and then we just took a wander off to Cheap As Chips mostly for The Looking At Things. I mean, we had things we were looking for, they just didn't have any of those things. Then we did the very short wander in the little shopping centre across the way... forgetting that it doesn't really have anything interesting. We were going to call off at a market we saw on the way there, but then I went a different way back, so we ended up calling off at the dinky little Target on Unley Road... which is mostly dinky and barely has anything. But it was nice just to have a wander.
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