
photo saturday: big tigger energy

hali - maker, weirdo, flyer

So... I'm only slightly making Last Week Yani a liar... because while this is a DnD Character Colouring Book... this is only a slightly altered version of a character that has already appeared. And it's not so much a revisit as it is me having finished the character and finally debuted him at the Friday Night table this week.

And not much about him changed really, beyond the accessories and his character background.

But more on that in a bit.


The issue with essentially making up soup every week is that when it's really, really good... it's very hard to replicate, because I never make exactly the same soup ever again. Which is not a problem I had this week, but potentially a problem that Future Me is going to have when trying to replicate this week's Potato, Bacon and Leek soup.

Because it was pretty damn good.

Thursday Night DnD is... cursed. No game again this week because of reasons.

Friday Night DnD was actually DnD again. And the start of a new campaign, with Mrs in the DM chair again. It was also the debut of Hali. I've said before that sometimes I don't really, properly know who the hell a character is until I sit down at the table and open my mouth and they come roaring out.

Hali was one of those. It was also "helped" by the fact that I sat out for the first part of the game while the others finished up some last minute Session Zero stuff... and while I couldn't hear most of what went on (predominantly through the ongoing conversation with a cat), I did hear Fluffy using the accent I'd been toying around with... so that went out the window and I had no idea what I was going to do for a voice or anything. And then I sat down at the table, opened my mouth and basically Big Tigger Energy came tumbling out. Not quite as much of the slight himbo vibe of Tigger, but definitely the bounce. Very... this...

He is cheerful, outgoing, competitive in a friendly way, and has complete confidence in himself.

He has the bounce. And there's a little bit of darkness there too, which is fun. Fluffy is the one who called out the Tigger connecting which is good, because now I have a go-to for getting to his personality and a benchmark to aim for.

The group dynamic seems interesting. And Mr is playing his first female character which was a surprise, given I kind of expected it to be a little bit of a Sausage Fest.

Of course, I couldn't roll for SHIT last night. I think the dice were sulking because they're the ones I bought for myself for Christmas and they've been sitting in my fancy dice container since then. So I think my first... three rolls were all under 10 and three fairly important rolls later were also sub 10. Doesn't bode well really.

It's also fun that I'm the weirdest race in the group... or, you know, I'm just the only non Players Handbook race.

So we'll see what happens I guess.


Today wasn't especially exciting... the usual supermarketry and that was it really.

Brief sidebar... I don't know if the place that hosts my mood images is completely dead or just currently down. And, honestly, the idea of going back through 4000+ posts and fixing them is too much to consider right now, so if they stay down I might have to upload them to Google, but if they're gone in old posts, they might just have to stay gone.

Current mood:

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