
photo saturday: lady ostara

lady ostara - bunny, gift-giver, protector

Lady Ostara Dawnglow follows in the footsteps of the Jingle Bros (parts One and Two) from Christmas and Master Bohai from Chinese New Year. The DnD Character Colouring Book personification of the current holiday.

And because I'm ever so slightly obsessed with DnD rogues right now... of course she's a Swashbuckler Rogue, with some Oath of the Ancients Paladin thrown in for good measure. Because Swashbuckler plus most flavours of paladin are an outstanding combination.

There's honestly not really any lore for her in my head. She might hand out gifts to those who deserve them as a paladin, but she also might knife a bitch, because rogue.

Fun times.

The halfling tomato soup remains a success. I honestly think it's slightly better when I have bread in the freezer and can make a cheese toasty to go with each serving, but otherwise, still solid.

You know how I ranted about the DVD cases not getting delivered last Friday... yeah, it took until Wednesday until they finally did. Because I assumed that I had, in fact, asked for them to be redelivered... but, no, I didn't check all the boxes or I did it on my phone and not the laptop or, you know, I didn't fucking hold my mouth at exactly 93.3 degrees from the lunar polar orbit of Mercury or something.

But, once I did all those things, then it got delivered the followed day. Which was Wednesday.

Thursday night DnD didn't happen... because a) that group can't make a declarative decision to save it's life and b) two of the members had to isolate. On the plus side, it's very possible that the decision not to play the previous Thursday is the only reason the whole group didn't have to go into isolation. Silver lining and all that.

Friday night DnD was... both nailbiting and slightly anti-climactic. Nailbiting because the entire party almost fucked a roll to resist an ability that dropped everyone to 0 health. Well, actually, the PARTY all fucked the roll... one of our NPCs didn't.

But anti-climactic because we were fighting, essentially, two spellcasters and a glass cannon. Which is how they justify putting an enemy that can potentially kill the whole party at the end of the adventure. Make it weak to being punched in the face.

I will say that I think that I would have enjoyed playing a Beast Master ranger from the beginning of this campaign. Because, honestly, I'm enjoying how they work in game. And the fact that, basically, your animal companion is your subclass. So, if you're not using them all the time, especially in combat, then you're not really playing your subclass.

I already knew that, but it really clicked during last night's game.

And, yeah... it would be interesting to do it again at some point.

Today was... more complicated than it needed to be.

Ma, in her infinite... Ma-ness... somehow forgot to not just lock her front door, but close it. And left the keys in the door. And only worked this out when she got to my house for some reason.

So instead of going to the supermarket, we went back down the road to Ma's place in order to close and lock her front door and security door, and then come all the way back down the road to the supermarket and continue on as normal.

Whether or not the shopping experience would have been better or worse if we had gone straight to the supermarket, I can't say. Invariably people all lose minds on Easter Saturday. And I've never been able to work out exactly why. Like, the shops have been closed for a single day... and they will be closed, basically for one additional day. Why you gotta lose your mind? Why you gotta get All The Things? Why are you in the supermarket taking up space? Stop it.

Would it have been worse... I mean, it has been worse. And maybe it would have been even worse at 8am, who knows.

So, we did the shopping thing.

Then we did a brief excursion that resulted in... well, nothing. And then Ma went home. The end.

Current mood:

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