
photo saturday: getting his satyr-day drink on

ampelos - satyr, fire-eater, punchy-boy

Since the Saytr race came out I've been trying to find a satyr character that works for me. Is this is? Who can say? Welcome to this week's DnD Character Colouring Book.

I'll just say it's both a shame and something of a relief that the DnD satyr isn't the "male nature spirit with ears and a tail resembling those of a horse, as well as a permanent, exaggerated erection" satyr and much more of the "half-human and half-goat" faun.

Why wouldn't I dip into the satyr mythos for their love of "wine, music, dancing"... and I wouldn't want to cover up too much of the Hot Satyr Boy Energy with, you know, clothes or armour... so, what goes well with that... a Drunken Master Monk of course.

The fun thing about Drunken Master Monks though is that... they're not actually drunk... but they are really good at faking it.

And of course the name is Ampelos... "a personification of the grapevine and lover of Dionysus".

Also, have I mentioned that I'm borderline obsessed with that particular Hero Forge jacket. And ongoingly I do wish there were three versions of it. One as is, one with two sleeves like the left, one with two sleeves like the right.

Moving on...

In a lot of ways this week felt the most "back to normal" since the move. In that I didn't do a lot of shopping trips or otherwise unusual things happened. At least for the first half of the week.

Last week, I did finally give in and open the last two moving boxes... the ones with stuff from my chest of drawers. Not to put the stuff back in the chest of drawers, but more to find some of the "non chest of drawers" things I knew were in there. This week I pulled everything else out of those boxes, went through it, threw some stuff away and otherwise sorted through it.

I think I probably need to do it again when I empty the boxes, and be ruthless about it, but a number of things I'd just randomly hung onto for... decades at this point got dumped into the recycling bin. Other things got moved to go with existing things if appropriate... and then everything left over got dumped back into the boxes.

Thursday night's DnD game was... unexpected. Not the game... but things that happened in the game. Basically the game zagged when it should have zigged. I'm not unhappy with the zag... but it's a weird tangent that at first seemed very much separate from the rest of the adventure. I think I see where it links up... or at least how it might.

We'll have to see though. My character is very pissed off currently, because the bad guys targeted innocent civilians trying to get to us and he does not like that... so that's always fun.

Friday Mr and Mrs helped me take my IKEA dining table down to Ma's place. And by "helped" I mean, Mr carried the table downstairs by himself, put it in their trailer and then followed my little car up the road to Ma's place, before they took off for plant shopping at points further north and I stuck around Ma's place for about 45 minutes before bringing my new bedding home.

I then spent a good chunk of the afternoon finally organising my underwear and socks into the chest of drawers, which is now in the spot the dining table used to be in the living room. And then I shoved a bunch of art on the top of it.

By which I mean, I forgot that one of the original plans was to actually put the printer up there. But I'm still unsure whether it makes more sense to get a new printer or now... so... indecision is a bitch.

And the whole thing needs to be moved over about... 15cm. Because I had it there originally, changed my mind, and now, having lived with it for a day... it needs to go back where I had it originally. Because BLAH.

That's Next Week Yani's problem. At the very least it's Sunday Yani's problem.

But there is a lot more space next to the bed in the bedroom now, so I'm happy about it.

And the quilt cover I got last week is actually really pretty. Like, it's flowers and plants without feeling horrendously pink and pale and pastel and boring. I think this is possibly the only time that I've ever replaced both pillows, my body pillow and my quilt at the same time. And it's a lot.

The body pillow needs some time to stop being a big dumb rectangle, the quilt is... well, it's the first time in... a very, very long time, since I've used a quilt that isn't feather based. Which is going to be great when it comes to not leaving feathers all over the bedroom carpet when I change the quilt cover. But because it's a different kind of quilt, it's also going to take a hot minute to get used to.

The memory foam pillows are pretty good though. I will say that moving them around, they do feel like a bag of soup. I don't know why but that foam just ends up feeling heavy and my brain interprets that as being full of fluid for some reason.

Friday Night DnD was... well... my character got knocked unconscious about a minute into the game, so that was fun. And I think it kind of coloured in his performance for the rest of the session, even though we all had a rest.

And we met the cast of the Regional Faerun Theatre Travelling Company of Beauty and the Beast... well, the candelabra and the clock anyway. There may have been a feather duster and a teapot somewhere, we didn't search every room in the tower.

Fun though.

And I got to drop a little bit of Leif-Lore, which was nice.


Yes, we have reached the point where I just went... FUKKIT. So, welcome to Soup Season. I'm doing the potato, leek and bacon thing tomorrow. We'll see how that goes... both as the first soup of the season and the first soup cooked on an electric stove.

Pray for me.

So, we did the supermarket thing. We did the unpacking thing. We went looking at microwaves because Ma's microwave has a door that won't open. Which is possibly a very cheap and easy fix, but who knows. Also fitted sheets. Insert standard rant about fitted sheets coming in blue, paler blue, darker blue, beige, lighter beige, white and either pink or some form of grey. GIVE. ME. COLOURS.

Basically, we went looking for several things. Looked at several things in Big W, Target and Kmart. Came home with exactly none of those things.

We did go and get Easter things from Haighs. So that was a successful part of the day.

Current mood:

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