
photo saturday: hello tiger

master bohai - water tiger

Happy Chinese New Year (for last Tuesday)... Welcome to the Year of the Water Tiger. I am also Year of the Tiger... but a Wood Tiger.

So, yes, I commemorated the occasion by making a Water Tiger in Hero Forge for today's DnD Character Colouring Book. Which gave us Master Bohai... and, yes, I'll admit, a Water Tiger with a sprinkling of Wood Tiger elements... like the staff and the green trim/belt. 

Plus I snuck a reference to the Wood Tiger into his name, given that the site I found mentioned that the Chinese element of Wood is associated with "windy" weather, plus the water, gave him a name that roughly translates to "sea waves"... because wind causes waves. Yeah, I do this shit all the time with character names and never mention it really.

Not a character I would play though... because the Four Elements Monk is perhaps my least favourite of all the monk subclasses, just because the cost for doing any of the cool power things is far too high... but if I was going to, I'd make him a Tabaxi instead of a Tiger and maybe reflavour the four elements into the five Chinese elements.

But the design process for fun. I might have to celebrate all the interesting holidays this way during the year. We'll see.


This week was... less full on that last week. But it still had it's moments.

Sunday I mostly pottered about for most of the day... packed a few more boxes, increased the size of the Great Wall of Box on the east side of my living room.

Monday I was off to get my booster shot. At 8am... because why not get it done first thing in the morning, especially when the temperature was expected to be on the rise. I was kind of expecting it to knock me on my arse for a couple of days, but overall it was relatively mild. I had a sore arm for about half the week, but then I also didn't bother putting a cold pack on it or anything. And I felt a little... m'eh. But it was manageable and not that bad.

I also pottered about a bit on Monday and packed up some of the weirdly shaped bits and bobs that just needed some kind of box around them. Actually, I did bits of that on Tuesday too... it was kind of a "do a bit until you run out of ideas/enthusiasm, then stop".

I am reaching/have reached the point where I can't really pack very much else because I have to, you know, exist in the house for another couple of weeks. But after next weekend. Yeah, then that's all fair game.

There was also associated faffing about getting my lease signed, scanned and sent back. Nothing major, just... the minor irritations of modern life I guess.

Oh, and I also went through my wardrobe on Wednesday and pulled out everything that no longer fit. Which was... not really unexpected, because most of it was stuff I haven't worn in at least five years and some of it for more like seven or more. So, yeah, no wonder it no longer fucking fits. I ended up pulling out all of my old polo shirts and almost all of my old button down shirts. I also managed to convert almost all of my coat hangers over to the much nicer IKEA wooden ones from the crappy plastic Target ones, which is a bonus. And ended up with a big bag full of hangers to send off to their destiny.

So, how I have a lot more room in the wardrobe, but a large gap in my wardrobe... errr... you know what I mean.

Fun times happened on Thursday when I took Ma into the Apple Store in order to upgrade her phone. Sadly, the lovely man who helped me last week wasn't in, so we got some other random dude, who was fine but didn't seem to know quite as much. The process itself was relatively easy, and may have taken less time than when I did it... or because I knew what to expect, it just felt like it took less time, I don't know.

We also stopped off at Officeworks in town... and could have bought the case and screen protector then, but Ma wanted to see the other cases, so we headed to the Officeworks I went to for mine and grabbed them from there.

But then we came back here and I updated Ma's new phone and turned off all the settings that needed to be turned off because fuck all those dumb stupid options that we don't need to have turned on because they're stupid options and we hate them. You know, all those options.

But I also gave her some updated apps that replaced old ones that either didn't work any more or things that she didn't already have, and just generally talked her through a bunch of stuff... about half of which she promptly forgot, because that's just what happens. It also led to her asking me today about something that I fully explained to her for at least a couple of minutes on Thursday.

Sigh. Good job that I'm fond of her.

But that took most of the day... between the explaining and the waiting and the general rigmarole of it all. Plus I was keeping the phone plugged in until the battery completely charged.

So, a long day and a tiring one. But at least she's all updated and up-to-date. It just means I'll be answering weird phone related questions for a little while. But on the upside it means that while looking for options in her Settings, I discover cool fucking things I had no idea where a thing because I never bothered paying attention to any of the new features for phones I wasn't going to own.

So that's fun. Or at a bare minimum, it's useful.

Friday was... 

Yeah, dunno how to finish that sentence at all to be honest. The day wasn't much of anything honestly, I did make parmesan and chive bread... which was actually pretty awesome. The cheese was slightly chonkier than I normally would have made it, since I've packed my vegetable peeler and usually I use that on cheese. But overall, very tasty. Definitely one to put on the rotation when I have a big chunk of parmesan in the fridge.

Then we get to the Friday night DnD game.

And the final of the four challenges we started last week. Where DM Fluffy decided to use a real world psychology/social work puzzle/training exercise as the final challenge. Which definitely added to the feeling of it being a challenge or more interesting than some of the puzzles you often get within DnD modules/adventures.

But then at the end of the game we succumbed to the "let's just check behind that one last door"... which, honestly, has been the potential undoing of this party on... at least two other occasions at this point.

Of course, that door held the misty avatar of the Goddess of Winter and she offered us a potential reward for completing her challenges. Which would be great maybe if we were actually characters who worshipped her... or characters with higher bonuses to their Constitution maybe.

Thankfully, because my character isn't an idiot, I extracted a promise that we wouldn't be harmed by the goddess's hand if we undertook the chance of getting the reward.

And rolled a 20, 18 and 15... but needed a 21 to pass the check. So now we're all "technically" dead/petrified/fucked. Good times. Good, good times.

DM Fluffy says that he has a plan, so, sure, we don't have to either roll up new characters or play board games for the next couple of weeks until I can get together the adventure I'll be running next. Which is good... also because I'm so not fucking ready. 

But yeah, that was a fucking hell of a cliffhanger to end on. Urgh.

Today was simple. As compared with the last few Saturdays anyway.

We did the supermarket thing... and, just a quick sidebar... over the last two years neither Ma nor I have either been able to or have bothered to check into shops/locations via the check in app. I mean, maybe if I'd updated my iOS at some time in the last four years, I could have done, but fuckit, water under the bridge and all that. So now that we're both all updated and I got Ma signed up appropriately for the app... like, the week that we did this... is the same week (more or less) where they have stopped requiring check-ins at most places. Grumble. I mean, yay not having to bother checking in... but also... fucking what? Also, why is precise moment? Urgh x 2. Coincidence is a bitch.

Anyway, where was I... oh yes, supermarket. So, we did the supermarket thing, and yeah, possibly because I didn't buy enough stuff last week, we ended up doing a larger shop than usual. Plus, annoyingly, I was running low on stuff that I would have preferred to not have to buy before the move, but I would also have run out before that point, so... yeah.

We came back here, unpacked and I sorted out some things on Ma's phone as per the previous conversation. But then we mostly called it a day.

Fun times.

Thirteen days and counting.

Current mood:

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