
photo saturday: half-orc hot boy

maxx midnight - stripper, dancer, hotboi

So, this week in DnD news, we killed a goddess... more on that later.

Today's DnD Character Colouring Book is what happens when you've been thinking about half-orcs and you're watching a video on YouTube when someone says "half-orc equals hot boy"... and about fourteen different gears in your brain all seize up at once.

It's not like that wasn't a thought process I'd had before... but somehow it all clicked in and before I knew it Maxximilian Midnight, half-orc, hot boy stripper, formerly of the Platinum Peacock Gentleman's Club, was born. He went through a couple of variations... the first version was a sorcerer... but then I realised that I could slightly reflavour the Drunken Master Monk subclass and make his heavy silver mirror into a reflavoured mace, which counts as a monk weapon.

And making one of his parents an orc bard (I haven't worked out which parent yet, but I kind of like subverting expectations and making it his mother... but then that's two characters who have "entertainer" mothers) gets around some of the potential ick of half-orc lineages.

It's weird... I've noticed that all of my DnD characters are either very short or over 6 foot... there's not really a ton of middle ground. Clearly that says something about me... not entirely sure what honestly.

I've also been having fun of late playing around with some of the background things... sure, it's not actually a spotlight that is connected to the lighting at all, but it adds to the ambiance.

Moving on...

This week was Minestrone ala Yani... me making up minestrone from memory and not consulting a recipe of any kind. And, not to toot my own horn, but it's pretty fucking good.

Honestly not a lot happened for the first part of the week... Public Holiday Monday and all that.

I know I've said this before about Thursday DnD... but sometimes I fucking hate my friends. I don't know what came first, me being in a mood or the Thursday group getting on my last nerve... but yeah, one fed into the other which... something something... spiral.

I'm not getting into it, in the grand scheme of things, it honestly doesn't fucking matter, and I'll get the hell over it.

Friday was Chiro Day... and also me wandering around town for about an hour day.

Friday night DnD... we killed a goddess.

Well, the three corporeal forms of a goddess on the Material Plane... essentially, we killed the final boss with it's three health bars. Which means we've finished that campaign. Around 40 sessions, something like 10 months... not bad all things considered.

And then it's my turn... after we wrap up next week and also possibly have a week's break playing board games.

I will need to do a little thinking about what happens next for my good dwarf ranger boy as we do an epilogue session next week. I think I know the main dot points... but I need to flesh it out a bit. And no, I'm not going to do it "live" on the blog, so you can relax.

I do need to remember not to write War and Peace this time though.

Moving on...

Nothing overly special to report for today... Supermarket plus some wandering around shops... and a trip to Haighs for post-Easter broken Easter eggs. But when I got home I realised that I'd totally forgotten the main reason we went for a shop wander... typical.

But that's it really.

Current mood:

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