
photo saturday: jingle bros part one

dasher - arcane trickster roguedancer - oath of the ancients paladin

prancer - path of the storm herald barbarianvixen - college of glamour bard

So, maybe I did a thing.

It started with Prancer. Although not that version... a simpler version. And that was going to be it. But then my mind started doing that thing it does. Then came Dasher. And then, one by one, they all appeared.

Before I knew it, I had the Jingle Brothers, adventurers and defenders of the North Pole and Christmas. And, you know, actually buildable in DnD without any fancy homebrew if you just use the Satyr race as your base and just tweak the non-mechanical details slightly.

They're already Fey creatures, have a faster walking speed, the ability to make an extra long or high leap, they have resistance to magic, they get the Performance and Persuasion skills and they have a Ram (horn) attack. What more do you need really?

You only get four of the brothers this week though... you'll need to tune in next week for the other four.

This week's boys are...

  • Dasher - The Arcane Trickster Rogue
    The sneaky but anxious youngest brother (featured with his magical Mage Hand)
  • Dancer - The Oath of the Ancients Paladin
    The brave and hot tempered protector of the North Pole
  • Prancer - The Path of the Storm Herald Barbarian
    The sweet himbo wielding the power of winter storms
  • Vixen - The College of Glamour Bard
    The ostentatious flirt and charismatic musician

I don't quite know why the cow faces (which is what these are) are so damn expressive, but with just some minor adjustments, a range of characters presented themselves... even though they all ended up with the same face, the hairstyle and the same colour scheme (well, for the fur anyway).

So there's that. And there will be more of that next week.

I made another quiche this week... not as good as the previous one. I'll just say, I'm not completely sure mushroom works in quiche. Or else, I needed to cook them down a lot longer and really get most of the moisture out of them. I dunno. It was serviceable.

Shoulder update: The end of the week was much better than the beginning. I'd go as far as to say that I'm mostly on the mend. There's still some weakness there, but I can lift my arm more than 45°... which is great.

This week was the Christmas breakup for the Thursday DnD group. So I made cheese and salami bread. And much like when I took the cookies fresh out of the oven back in June... they descended on said bread like the proverbial seagulls. And it was all gone inside of about 5 minutes. Ten at the most.

But they enjoyed it, which is the main thing.

And we didn't die and my character got himself a fancy magic item, which I didn't expect to be in the book.

Friday was Chiro Day... so insert the rinse and repeat of taking a trip into town, seeing my chiro, sticking my head in at the gaming store, then coming home again.

Friday night's DnD is not stopping for Christmas. I mean, we have to move the game in two weeks, because Friday is also Christmas Eve, but we're still doing stuff right through.

This week's game wasn't bad. We had some interesting moments, but also some combat that felt like it was going to be much more epic than it turned out to be. Not bad, you understand... but I was expecting a number of enemies. But we did the thing we needed to do.

Oh, and my character talked to a thistle. Because spells are fucking weird.

Anyway. A good time was had.

Also, it's funny to me that Fluffy and I are basically headcanoning a whole second campaign for the group of rangers that consists almost entirely of my backup characters (I need to post the image of that whole group at some point), plus my imaginary son. Not that we're doing anything with it, we just keep talking about it on the drive back to his place.

Today wasn't much.

We basically bent the supermarket over, and beat the Christmas right out of it. That, I see now, is a weird sentence. What I was attempting to say was that we bought a lot of the random things you need for Christmas that can just sit in the cupboard or the freezer for a couple of weeks. But we bought a lot of stuff.

Insert my usual quote here about "a lot of fuss and nonsense basically amounting to one meal and nothing much". Bah, humbug, etc.

Anyway... I needed a thingy from Officeworks to finish off a project, so we did that trip and then called it a day.

Current mood:

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