
photo saturday: words and pictures

yaron - poet, bard, dandyprim - painter, bard, decorator

So, as has been seen on numerous occasions, I get a little... involved... when it comes to DnD character creation. Which leads to situations where I make a raft of NPCs for a character and some of them don't get any screentime at all.

And this is half true for these two. Poor Yaron didn't get any screentime at all in our Avernus game... but Prim did... as the NPC most likely to be home most of the time, and as the interior designer of the house, and as an NPC that annoyed Fluffy's character. So, you know, all the good stuff.

But I did like the design for Yaron... a chonky boy with too much jewellery and a book full of weird prose/poetry. And I'm quite proud of the paint splatter on Prim's apron... and Yaron's waistcoat pattern design if I'm honest.

For the next campaign, I'm keeping the NPC designs down to a manageable degree. I think there are three right now, or three major ones. And I'm fine with that.

Changing topic...

I shaved my head this week. You know, that thing I've been threatening to do since last March.

Yeah, I did it last Sunday.

Don't get me wrong, it took me most of the day to get around to doing it... first the clippers ran out of juice and needed to be recharged, then I didn't want to do it before I went out to the Village, just in case it was inexplicably bad for some unknown reason... and then finally just before the sun went down I just went "fucking do it now"... and paused the thing I was watching, went into the bathroom... and still couldn't watch as I made the first couple of swipes with the clippers.

I mean after that I was fine and it took a while to really get it all cut properly. But that happens when your clippers are like an inch and a half square. And just watching all that hair fall in the sink was all kinds of cathartic.

And I've been basically "feeling myself" as they say all week since. Not literally... well, kind of, because very short hair is nice to run your hands across... but just the fact that I don't have all that hair to contend with/irritating me. Because there wasn't really any reason I was keeping it, other than general laziness/indecision.

Plus it also meant that I got to do a reveal four separate times this week, to the Wednesday DnD crew, to Fluffy, to Mr and Mrs and then to Ma today. And, in part, that was a not inconsiderable part of why the whole thing amused me.

Oh, and I also made chicken noodle soup on Sunday. Not the worst batch I've ever made, but also not the best. Decent.

Otherwise, Wednesday's DnD game was fine. I am glad that my stint as a DM is coming to a close... I enjoy running games, however this group can get... draining. I love em, don't get me wrong, but, yeah... I'll be glad when I can just be a character again.

Friday's game was... good. We're doing a side mission/adventure... basically a dungeon crawl, and honestly, when you know it's a dungeon, you tend to think that every single thing is a trap and behave accordingly. By which I mean assume everything is a puzzle even when it isn't, and you except ever inanimate object to be a lethal deathtrap. So, you know, fun times.

Today wasn't much of anything. We did the supermarket thing... I'm planning on making chilli this week. So there's that.

Otherwise, we didn't do fuck all. For all kinds of reasons. But mostly because, fuck it... we didn't need to do anything and I'm over wandering around shops and seeing things but coming home empty handed. And just buying random shit I don't necessarily need anyway.

So there's that.

Current mood:

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