My bard character, Nightingale, needed a crew of fellow performers for our Descent into Avernus (I mean, she absolutely didn't... but I wanted her to have one), and so I came up with a half dozen characters, some of whom basically had two lines and a walk on part in the actual adventure. All bards, obviously, but I dipped into every possible subclass for them.
And these two are my favourites. The fact that their colour pallets are essentially mirrors of each other was pure happenstance. Firstly we have Rhapsody, tiefling courtesan, singer and College of Glamour bard. She's also Nightingale's best friend, and when she walks into a room all eyes go to her. Then there's Taavi, human acrobat/tumbler and College of Valour Bard (I would probably give him a level in monk if I actually ever played him). I described him to the DM as being "clueless but sweet"... like, he has no idea how damn sexy he is or the effect he may have on other people outside of performing. You know, one of those imaginary hot people. I'm sure he probably owns a shirt or two, but he'd definitely of the "sleeves are bullshit" school of dressing.
Soup this week was a very thick chowder... with the chicken and the chorizo and three kinds of onion (because leek is technically an onion, right). Pretty good actually.
This week there was only one DnD session... Friday got called off at the last minute, but we're rescheduling that for Monday, so there's that at least.
Otherwise, nothing much to report.
Today was yet another case of "second verse, same as the first"... Did I use that joke last week? I feel like I've used it about 1500 times since March. But we did the supermarket. I'm revisiting an old favourite this week. Or at the very least, I'm going to make my own version of same, which will generally just mean upping all the quantities.
Then we ran into an acquaintance we haven't seen in a while, chatted with him briefly before heading back here.
And then we did the usual gubbins... which is to say, unpacking, followed by the YubTubs. But then a really beautiful animated movie (My Life as a Zucchini... beautiful, but melancholy and a little dark at times) was just starting on the TV, so we watched that before Ma shuffled off home.
Current mood:
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