
photo saturday: sister sister

rose - sister, baker, artisanmarigold - sister, acolyte, priestess

Sister sister... well, imaginary sisters. So we're back with two more of Belben's five sisters. The two oldest ones, named after/inspired by the first two Doctor Who companions in the series. Rose, who works in a shop (the bakery), and Marigold (aka Martha) who's training to become a cleric (doctor).

And of course, Rose had to be a blonde, even though none of her sisters or brother are. Her hair colour makes no sense within the family line either... but it's Rose, she's gotta be a blonde.

I will say that I never got the skin colour of any of the family exactly right on the images to how it should be or is in my head... But, fuck it... it's fantasy after all. But I did really love the way Marigold's armour came out... those enamel-like colours, with white leather on the skirt. Or at least that's what's in my head.

I don't know that weird is the right words for it (since that was the sentence I originally started to write), but it's curious to me that I know just enough about all of his sisters in order to be able to rattle off a discussion if he was ever asked in character about them. I know that Rose does a lot of the actual baking along with their father, Marigold trains at the Temple of Selune, goddess of the moon (and knowledge). I know that Bella works front of house in the bakery with her mother. And the twins are more involved with their own thing (raising bees, producing honey, brewing mead). And Belben got the itchy feet and went adventuring.


Easter happened. I made a very minestrone minestrone. As in all the bacon, beans and a few too many pasta shapes... because alphabet pasta is the best.

Wednesday night DnD we had a reduced crowd. For the first time in a while. And while we didn't get all the way through the module, it wasn't a bad night.

Friday was Chiro day... so after a slightly irritating bus ride (yes, Mr Bus Driver, we were in fact supposed to turn off there... oh, you're not going to just go around the block you could easily go around, you're going to, in fact, stop the bus here, when we're already running late, because you turned off the bus at an earlier stop, when we weren't in fact early at that stop... interesting), I did the chiro thing, then intended to stop off at the comic book store... only to find that it was, in fact, closed until noon... and I wasn't really in the mood to wander around for an hour and a half. Oh well, another day.

Friday night DnD was... in essence... a shopping episode. Not the worst thing in the world. But not so much for moving the main story along. Which is fine.

Today was... rinse and repeat. Supermarket, home, YubTubs. We were going to head into the city, but it started raining on the way there and the weather just didn't look promising. So we did our other errand instead... broken Easter eggs from Haighs. Because they're somehow just better than regular Easter eggs. Even the ones from Haighs. I dunno why, I dunno how, but facts are facts.

So that's your lot really.

Current mood:

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