
photo saturday: gothic types

agarthaw - dhampir, courtier, phantom49 - reborn, experiment, barbarian

We're delving into the world of "character sketches" for this week's DnD Character Colouring Book... and honestly, we're also delving into the "I coloured these with the Hero Forge system, not with Photoshop and a lot of time and layers and fiddling".

But honestly, while I made these a while ago, I am still loving the pair of them.

Behold, two of the three new "lineages" from the next DnD book, the Dhampir and the Reborn. And for lineage read "race but with a spicy twist".

First, the dhampir...

Poised between the worlds of the living and the dead, dhampirs retain their grip on life yet are endlessly tested by vicious hungers.

Basically, your standard half-vampire. Funnily enough these options first dropped when I was rereading the Sonja Blue books, which are about a... you guessed it... half vampire. Or rather someone who was bitten by a vampire but not killed, so they became something inbetween a mortal and a vampire.

So that then lead to Agarthaw, formally an elf courtier, attacked by a vampire but not killed (yeah, when you steal, you steal from the good stuff)... now a Phantom Rogue who hungers for both blood and psychic energy.

And then there's the reborn... 

Death isn’t always the end. The reborn exemplify this, being individuals who have died yet, somehow, still live.

I love the story energy of the reborn... and the weird options you could go with... there's a Pinocchio story there, a walking talking statue story, a Frankenstein('s monster) story, a voodoo doll/controlled by a voodoo doll story, a Vincent from Final Fantasy 7 story (because if your favourite character from FF7 wasn't Vincent, were you even playing FF7?)... and because I was also watching a lot of Let's Plays of Hitman 3 around the same time, there's definitely a 47 version of the Reborn.

Which is why I made 49... who mixes some of those story threads together. Found shackled in a weird alchemists lab in a creepy house like Vincent, with a voodoo doll (mostly because I love the fact that item exists in Hero Forge) and a 49 tattooed on his chest and a log book detailing 48 other failed experiments.

What I also love is that the Zealot barbarian stacks really nicely with the Reborn... or at least, if you disregard the "god/divine" flavour of the class and lean into their abilities coming from what they went through to make them reborn. Plus, you know, barbarian.

Of the two, 49 is actually more interesting to me as a character to actually play at the table. Because I can also see him as a quiet character out of combat, but then a powerhouse once he rages. The problem, of course, is me trying to play a quiet character. Because, me. But a boy can dream.

Anyway... like I said, character sketches.

This week wasn't much of anything.

I made chilli... I quite like my chilli... not that it's anything that special... some packets of chilli powder, a nice mix of beef and pork, some grated veggies... all good. Oh, and beans... because beans.

There was no DnD on Wednesday... people were sick, so I called it off.

Then Friday's DnD game we finished up the slightly frustrating puzzle dungeon we started last week. And I say frustrating only because all DnD puzzles that you don't work out in the first 10 seconds instantly becomes frustrating. Because, yes, clearly it's a trap/puzzle... and clearly there must be a way around it... but when you don't know what you don't know, even the bleedingly fucking obvious answer doesn't occur to you and you sit there drooling on your dice.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I've been on the other side as a DM, where you're like "this is super simple, why aren't you getting this?", but still.

Today was a big fat nothing.

I went to the supermarket on my own while Ma got her hair did. She came down, we didn't do much of anything, she went home.

Current mood:

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