
photo saturday: bad girls have more fun

violinist, complicated woman, entertainer - nightingale violinist with that good, good avernus makeover, will definitely kill you - Nightingale
This week has been a very Nightingale focused week, so we're revisiting her for the DnD Character Colouring Book.

I mentioned her originally in the template post, but she's been through a lot since then, including a costume change and a haircut... oh, and a fuckton of interpersonal drama, which I ate up with both hands and a spoon. But going to hell will do that to you. I liked her original outfit and design, quite a lot actually... I liked that she used her hair as a tool for her role as a performer, and the fact she would often wrap it up into a coil on top of her head was great roleplay fun. But then I played around with the "Avernus" costume, and the haircut and suddenly I was obsessed with it. Sadly we weren't even in hell at that point, and it took what felt like forever before I got to make the change-over... but the moment was the right one.

My only regret is that I did the colour for the new costume before the high heels appeared on HeroForge (which was this week).

She is by far my most complicated character. I mean, she makes sense inside my head, but other people seem unsure about her, which I kind of love. Even if this, my first experience with the bard class has confirmed that bards are demonstrably pretty shit and I'd rather play just about any other class. I love her anyway.

But like I said, this week has been a lot for her. She discovered a whole lot of information about her family (which honestly threw me for more of a loop than her), she killed her backstory nemesis while transformed into a giant ape, finally shared her history with her travelling companions, met a unicorn, a dao (earth genie), a titan, and traded a powerful item for the blood of a dragon goddess. But it's also not every day a bard is able to string their violin and bow with the gift of unicorn hair.

That's what happens when you have two DnD sessions in a single week. Since we missed our Friday session last week, we moved it to Monday, so yeah, a Monday and a Friday session. Plus a Wednesday session for my other group. With a different DM, which will be interesting.

I also got an update about my oven, which still hasn't been fixed by the way. Since May. But it turns out we're still waiting for parts from overseas. Via Melbourne. Or Melbourne via overseas... one of those. But the tradie has already paid for those parts, so he's at least got a vested interest in getting it done.

So, now we wait. Hopefully not for that much longer, honestly. But we wait.

And, yes, the the Hearty Herdbeast Stew worked out really well this week. I mean, it was the version of it where I read the recipe, remember the major points and just do what I want instead.

Today was about average. We did the supermarket thing. I had no fucking clue as to what kind of soup I intended to make, and honestly, I still kinda don't. I just know it will be something with both tomato and chicken... and also the vegetables. So there's that.

Then there was unpacking and the YubTubs and the usual shemozzle.

And then we went to Big W, for random reasons. Which was followed by a side trip to Target, again for reasons. And that was about it.

Current mood:

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