
photo saturday: speedy and the brain

belben - spy, trickster, bakerrain - speedster, impulsive, cocky

So... I'm not completely convinced about that colour combination, honestly... it's a little bit ketchup and mustard and/or a certain global fast food chain. But the characters are good.

It's not quite a blast from the past for this week's DnD Character Colouring Book, but we have my very first character, my very first halfling, my boy Belben. Sixth born child and only boy of Brandien and Melody. Arcane Trickster Rogue. With all the very cool roguey magic items (Goggles of Night, Cloak of Elvenkind, Winged Boots, Gloves of Trickery... and a +3 shortbow). With a passive investigation skill that is kind of off the charts. He's also featured in the current blog header. And he's also probably the closest to my regular personality in character form. Because he was my first.

And then, because a conversation about Tabaxi monks was had this week, my third or fourth character, Rain in the Night. Named as such because I came up with him on a rainy night. Tabaxi are suppose to be either jaguar flavoured or leopard flavoured according to the lore, but nobody ever bothers to read that and just go with generic cat person. I at least stayed in the realm of the big cat and went with a cheetah theme... because monks get improvements to their speed, and tabaxi can double their speed. Somehow, even though I wouldn't say I have major impulse control issues, Rain is a distinct lack of impulse control. He's likewise in the blog header. 

Moving on...

This was, without a doubt, the first week of the year. That's definitely a thing that happened.

Otherwise, not a lot of anything went on directly in my world. The world at large lost its damn mind again all over the place. But otherwise things here were calm.

Wednesday we finally finished (finally) the series of questionable DnD adventure modules. Which brings Canadia's run as our DM to a close for now. And ushers in my run. I haven't run an in person game in... ten months. I haven't even run an online game for six months. So that'll be... a thing.

Cross your fingers for me.

Friday's game was... not the plan. Things happened. Interesting things. But not what we thought was happening. And then decisions were made. Bad choices. Well, interesting choices. Probably bad choices. Once again, partially because I opened my mouth and my character spoke for me. So instead of all three characters going off together to fight a giant group of demons, our freshly minted angel player collected a previous PC and an NPC to help him fight. And we did... okay. Possibly slightly better than we might have done with our regular characters, but it was definitely an unexpected session.

And then, of course, at the end of the session that group got separated from the two remaining player characters. So that's a thing that we're going to have to deal with next session.

Argh. I mean, don't get me wrong... we're eating it up with both hands and a spoon, but still, argh.

We also didn't finish until after 1am... so with all things I didn't get home until 2am and didn't get to sleep for another half an hour. Waking up at 6:30 was certainly a surprise.

That does lead us on to today though.

We went to the supermarket. We came back here. We faffed around with YubTubs. It was going to be too hot to do anything or go anywhere. Also we didn't need to do anything or go anywhere. So Ma just went home before lunch time.

Thus endeth the lesson.

Current mood:

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