
photo saturday: halfling-in-law

beau - blacksmith, artisan, halflingbelladonna - merchant, bakery, halfling

So sometimes you make a character... and then make that character's family members... and then you make a character design for something else, but then decide that it would work nicely for that fiancé you envisaged for your fictional sister.

Have I mentioned DnD is fucking weird sometimes?

So Belladonna is Belben's sister. She runs the front counter in the bakery. And as I mentioned in another post, her name comes from arguably my favourite (maybe joint favourite with Rose) Doctor Who companion, Donna.

Beau is actually a character I made for a Hero Forge posing contest (which I didn't win because clearly people just like to do really weird shit with Hero Forge posing and I'm only here for understated natural posing). But then I realised that in my head canon... and possibly in something I wrote... Bella had a fiancé. And Beau just slotted into that space nicely, because I never like throwing away a really good halfling design.

This week.

I have said it... basically every time this comes up... but the only good thing about rental inspections is coming home afterwards. Because no more inspection plus a clean apartment.

But, rolling back a little. I did all of the tidying up and cleaned the kitchen on Sunday morning, giving up around 1pm. Then Monday I did my usual trick of piling all the loose items from the floor onto my bed, cleaned the bathroom, vacuumed and mopped the floor (which is my least favourite thing)... and finished up by about 2 I think. It wasn't like I was doing any of it at the speed of sound, I just pottered along, doing what I needed to do. All while listening to the first couple of episodes of Critical Role's second series over the two days.

All in all it wasn't the worst.

Tuesday I cleared out of the house in the morning and did some prep work at the library... where I completely failed to notice that I was listening to the same song from the video game Journey soundtrack on repeat for about two hours.

And then when I walked out of the library, my right calf decided to just... well, it wasn't a spasm or a cramp, it was just suddenly painful. Not fun. And, it didn't make a lick of sense. It got better over the rest of the week... but I did definitely keep asking "but why?" every time I got up.

On the up side, my apartment was super tidy.

Wednesday's DnD game was good. We finished up the module we've been playing the last couple of weeks and dipped into a new one. And I got to play around with some character background stuff, so that was good.

Friday's game was also good. But we're still early days.

Today was another cut and paste. Supermarket, unpack, YubTubs... but we did head out to Big W... although the reason we went there wasn't available yet, so boo to that.

And that was it really.

Current mood:

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