
photo saturday: stone women

lady britainpeace and goodwill

shrine motherselene
Why is it always the cough that just hangs around and hangs around and hangs around when you've been sick? And why does it end up so limp and pathetic? It's not even like it's a real cough, you just end up going "aheh aheh".

Clearly I'm feeling better. Because I'm being sassy again.

The chicken soup I made this week possibly helped as well. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I make a pretty damn good chicken soup.

I also went to DnD games this week. It was good to get out of the house again to be honest.

That also included a game on Sunday at one of the Thursday player's house. The adventure was a bit shit (welcome to most of Season 8), but we had fun, like we usually do.

Monday's game was a playtest of an adventure being written by the very first (and second I think) DM I had. And it was pretty good. The party split itself up and one of the characters made a platform collapse, plus the writer (who sat and watched) ended up with five pages of notes, so I think we helped.

Wednesday was most of the same group who did the Barovia adventures (including the DM) taking on the newest book. And we (almost) all made very setting-appropriate characters, and then got our faces eaten by a series of giant animals. Which was great for me as a druid, since now I can turn into said giant animals.

Wednesday night didn't happen due to people not being around and/or also being sick.

Thursday we did something different... given that there were only four of our usual gang of five. We went completely off the reservation and did a "home game"... or at least a "non AL-legal" game. My main issue going in was that I was playing a character I wasn't overly invested in. And I still don't know if I'm invested in him, but at least now I can play with his concept a little. The adventure wasn't bad. Perhaps a tiny bit "look how clever I'm being" in spots, but overall a fun time.

We are back to the regularly scheduled adventures this week though. But we have a few gaps in the schedule, so we may go back to it.

Otherwise, not a lot going on this week.

Today was basically "go shopping, run errands".

What I'd really love to do is make my own version of the chunky beef canned soup I really enjoy. The problem is, I have no idea how they make it so that the beef is all falling apart and amazing. Because either I'd end up cooking if for 9 hours and it would turn into stew, or I'd just end up with boiled beef, and ain't nobody got time for that.

So instead I'm attempting to make beef soup with meatballs. We'll see how it turns out.

After the supermarket portion of the day (same old same old really), we headed into the city for the aforementioned errand running.

The Foodland just off the Mall finally opened, so we had a bit of a poke around. It's very much a city supermarket, but it's so cute... and given the way the store is laid out, I can see them making a ton of money from both the Department of Health in the building above and the student accommodation across the Mall.

Then we headed over to Lincraft so Ma could get some fabric and I could begin a slightly pointless quest for split pins. I mean I found them eventually, but I looked in four different places.

And that was it really.

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