
photo saturday: king of the forest

my neighbour lego-roking of the forest

flat totorospirit pond
One of these things is not like the others... but you know, with two possible answers...


I made the usual spicy tuna mornay this week... not the spiciest I've ever made, but still pretty tasty.

Monday didn't particularly go to plan, but it all worked out in the end. It started when I headed up to see Tink to get my hair did. Only to discover when I got there that it was supposed to be Tuesday. But fortunately she'd had a client not show up for an appointment about 45 minutes earlier, so it all worked out better for both of us.

And we went a little more silvery with the colour... to try and avoid it just settling out to generically blonde between visits. We'll see how well that works out.

Monday night was the first DnD session at the new game store location. A game that is supposed to be 4 hours, but which my players knocked over in two and a half hours. Partly that was because of my players, but also because the module isn't as complex as it thinks it is. It's fun though. Which is also why I ran it again for different people on Wednesday.

As far as the new store location... I have many opinions, not about the location, but about a number of other issues that are very "inside baseball" and not particularly interesting either to anybody else or to future me with any luck. Suffice to say, the move is problematic, for me anyway.

Like I said, Wednesday I reran the adventure from Monday, and it went much better... or rather more to time. Then the evening game was perhaps a little calmer than last week... we're still perhaps a couple of people too many though. I think we definitely got a wake up call this week, we're not really prepared for the endgame... or at least we aren't thinking about the endgame enough. But interestingly my character came down with some madness that made him really angry, so I got to have very interesting interactions with the other characters. Including having a text based role play session after the game with one of the players who isn't usually the best at stepping up for roleplay. I was very proud of him, and it is definitely something that will come up later, or at the very least it opens the door for our two characters to have further conversations.

Thursday's game was equally interesting and irritating. As usual, character interactions and roleplay, interesting... actual adventure design, mostly irritating although it had some moments. I say irritating, but possibly we're just bumbling through without really having a clear plan. Or the most balanced party to be honest.

That was about it for the week though.

Today was wet. This week has been exceptionally mild for the end of June, but today Winter came back with a vengeance, it basically rained on and off for the whole day.

We did the shopping thing... I didn't really know what the hell to make for this week, so I defaulted to my old friend chicken soup.

Afterwards we wanted something to do that kept us out of the rain and the cold, so we went to the movies (more on that later), then called it a day.

Current Mood:

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