Something of an atypical week this week...
But more on that later.
For reasons that are not really a surprise (because who doesn't love a potato), I generally do really well at soup that is primarily made of potato. This one was more of a chowder, two kinds of sausage, chicken, potato, leek and assorted vegetables... and I thickened it up with some flour, so it ended up that kind of thick and gloopy soup I love (and much like the style of tinned soup I was talking about the other week).
Monday's DnD game was pretty good... we had two drop-ins on my table, one of whom came in with his mum (he was probably 16-17) just to check things out and while he was at times a little over excitable, he seemed to have a good time which was the main thing.
Wednesday's games were not as advertised. The day game that was supposed to happen didn't. The DM was otherwise engaged, so we fended for ourselves. And I got to run for a small table (which I always prefer), using a module I really like. The evening game we didn't have the usual group (in theory everything might go back to the plan next week, but we also need to have a group conversation... fun), but we did have a ringer who has joined us before and who I really enjoy playing with. I also got to test out my dice tray, and it isn't bad at all. Mostly I just need to get used to actually rolling the dice IN the tray.
Thursday was... trying. We dipped back into the "home game" and it turned out to be a game that ticked off all the boxes on shit that I hate. Levels of madness, check. Being a different character due to story reasons, check. Psychological manipulation of characters when I'm not in the mood, check. Totally not the DMs fault, but I just wasn't in the mood given that particular style of game. It was still a well put together session, just not my style.
That was then followed by a one-on-one roleplay session with our usual Thursday DM that was both cathartic (the two characters in question did not get on when they met) and interesting.
But most of my week when I wasn't playing DnD was going back to my roots and editing, proofreading and otherwise shaping/commenting on three upcoming DnD modules. I was asked to do it by the person who is coordinating the creation of the modules, and given that once upon a time (actually a few times, not just once), that was essentially my day job, so of course I said yes. Turns out I can make my way through a four hour module in roughly the same amount of time it takes to play/run.
I'd forgotten how damn much I love editing, and making suggestions for improvement. And how deep I fall down the rabbit hole. And how exhausting it is once you're finished. But also how good it felt to do something useful and constructive.
I don't know yet how much of my feedback will make it through to the final modules, but it will be interesting to see.
And that really consumed all of my week this week.
Today wasn't much of anything really. We did the supermarket thing, I think I'm defaulting back to vegetable soup this week, but something chunkier than a couple of weeks back. The week after I'm thinking about making a big batch of tuna mornay.
But afterwards we suffered from the same affliction we've had the last few weeks... "not-giving-a-fuck-itis"... we didn't have anywhere we needed or wanted to go, there are no movies on currently worth leaving the house for and so there was a definite element of "poking ourselves in the eye" this morning.
We ended up just taking a drive down the road and wandering around Big W, to not much end, grabbing a sausage sizzle and then calling it a day.
At least we have a plan for next weekend.
Current Mood:

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