It was a busy week that honestly didn't feel like it. It was also a very, very wet week.
And the week wasn't that different from every other week, really.
I made what is probably the best minestrone soup I have ever made in my whole life this week... partly through the application of both chorizo sausages and, oddly, cabbage.
As usual there were three games of DnD... I ran Monday's game and played on Wednesday and Thursday. Monday's game was fun, if only because I did more prep than usual (because it was the aftermath of the epic I didn't go to last Saturday), and I had a group of players I don't generally have (which was nice).
Also, a lesson I have learned well as a player is that if a DM introduces physical props to the adventure, players cannot resist putting their grubby little hands on them, which meant that I was able to whisper in the ear of one of the players with the unspeakable things he was hearing in his head from the villain. He could not have reacted better.
Part of me is a little annoyed with my Wednesday and Thursday DM's, not because they weren't good... they were... but because of "reasons" they both said that they'd send the XP and loot from the adventure to us... That was Wednesday and Thursday, and I'm still waiting. Yeah, sure, you might have jobs and partners and children and whatnot, but it would take all of about 2 minutes to do.
What was interesting (okay, interesting to me but probably nobody else at all ever) about Wednesday and Thursday was that I got to play the same character in the two different sides of her personality. When she's not with the Thursday chuckleheads where she actually cares about them or ends up being the calm voice of reason, or at least stops them from poking their own eyes out with a sharp stick... she can revert to how I originally designed her... as a bit of a bitch. Which is fun to play.
Although I just can't be that complete asshole character that other people seem to be able to play... I just don't have it in me.
Thursday was Haircut Day... it was also Many Much Rain Day... which made life interesting. Fortunately it wasn't raining heavily when I needed to drive up into the hills, but everybody did seem to be being a little bit more careful, which was nice. The biggest difference was on the way back down the hill, since instead of the usual 90kph speed limit, it fluctuated anywhere from 80kph to 40kph... and there was a brief instance of fog.
As far as the actual Haircut was concerned... same old same old. It was an actual colour session this time though, so my hair is all pale and whatnot. Tink and I did the usual prattle on for however long it takes for all the stuff in my hair to do what the stuff in my hair needs to do, then we called it a day so I could get down the hill again before rain happened.
Friday was Chiro Day (much less exciting, but slightly more necessary than Haircut Day). Which meant that I headed into town in the afternoon, had the chiro appointment and then did a bit of wandering around afterwards.
Today just kind of did it's own thing, to be honest.
We started with the usual shopping excursion... I'm planning on making potato and leek soup this week, but I'm throwing in a couple of other similarly hued vegetables, to see if I can add to the interest factor at all. I mean, I'm guessing now... but we'll see.
When we got back here, we both said that we really didn't need to go anywhere or do much of anything, so we really didn't know what the hell to do.
In the end we decided to take a little trip down to Harbortown, mostly so I could look in the Bonds outlet and the Typo outlet. As if often the case, we came back with a number of items, none of which were the two things we went looking for.
In fairness, they didn't have my size at one, or a style I liked at the other. But what they did have were more Bonds hoodies and trackpants on sale... and I do love a Bonds hoodie.
I also found a cute mug with my initial on it, Ma discovered the Pop Electric Harajuku Lovers perfume finally got released somewhere other than Japan... which is awesome, and we filled a half priced box at the Lindt store.
So much goodness was done and, technically, money was saved (I mean, a bunch was spent, but we saved more overall, if that makes any sense).
After we had a Lindt milkshake at the Lindt store... because why wouldn't you... we headed over to Glenelg to grab some lunch at the Orange Spot cafe (quick review, I wasn't overly impressed with their cheese kransky compared with the one at the North Adelaide Bakery, but their pepper steak pie was a knockout), then went and traumatised the seagulls with the pastry crumbs by the beach before heading back here.
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