I'm full of chocolate, slightly confused about what day of the week it actually is, feeling especially unfestive, and came home today to discover that the worst fucking possible choice of new neighbours has moved in to the vacant apartment a couple of doors down from me. Well done, (not my) fucking useless land agent... it took you forever, there were a ton of people up and down to see it and then you choose these idiots.
Just a quick note, I may be a little cranky right now. Let's chalk it up to the sugar crash, shall we. Yeah, let's go with that.
Starting at the top of things...
I bought and picked up the Fringe tickets this week... I also managed to win some pins (because EVERYONE is doing pins right now... EV-ERY-ONE) from the Fringe by recalling my favourite Fringe memory. The one that jumped to mind immediately was from La Soiree back in 2012, when Le Gateau Chocolat snogged me in the middle of a number and the crowd went "oooooooh".
And it got me some free stuff, so I'm definitely not complaining.
I also killed my first player character as a DM in DnD this week. Thankfully given the player (and to a less degree the character) I didn't feel particularly guilty about it. And I'm not even that much of an evil DM, I'm probably a little too far the other way... but there was an opportunity, and I took it.
Otherwise DnD was pretty good this week. The lack of a good Thursday DM is going to bug me eventually, but it'll do for now. I can also see myself ending up doing a lot of DMing on Mondays, firstly because nobody ever makes their mind up about what's going on, secondly because there's a fun little group of guys that I've run for a couple of times now. But we'll see what happens.
I detoured after DnD on Thursday to check out the Christmas lights/tree in Victoria Square... very pretty, although there really could have been more going on in the Square, lightwise specifically. But the tree is very pretty.
Then Friday I had a chiro appointment (and saw this on the bus... he's my hero), and there was also a Fork in the Road... specifically Forkmas. And given that my very first Fork was a Forkmas, I was glad I was able to swing past. Swing past and eat ALL THE THINGS.
I also got to see the lovely brownie lady who I haven't seen in forever and got a few brownies... but I was too full of food yesterday and too full of chocolate today to really want them. Dammit.
Friday was also technically Saturday, because I went shopping, on my own. And then today I did stuff that we would usually do on a Sunday, so I'm all a little everywhere when it comes to the day of the week.
I also probably bought too much random crap because Christmas.
So today, which should be Sunday, but is actually Saturday, I headed down to Ma's first thing so that we could make Christmas goodies. It still would have been Sunday, but I have a DnD thing on tomorrow, so...
Somehow, even though we only made a small number of things, it still took us the whole damn day. We didn't exactly go at it at a million miles an hour to be honest tho.
I maybe went a wee bit overboard when it came to the Rocky Road... I made the same amount that I made last year, but we didn't make anything else last year, so it was kind of a metric fuckton. I also managed to find some mint flavoured Turkish Delight this year, so that made it more interesting. It's a bit of a fresh finish, which is nice.
And because I didn't have to make a bunch of stuff for people I used to work with, we got to make only the stuff we really wanted to make. We also learned a valuable lesson... the Cadbury chocolate melts are, for the purposes we need them for, absolutely useless. They don't set hard... it's so weird, but they seem to stay soft no matter what.
Granted, if it wasn't for the fact that Ma bought chocolate chips instead of chocolate melts I wouldn't have had to do a dash to the local shops to grab some more dark melts.... but she did, and I did and all they had was Cadbury. And that turned out to be less good.
I mean everything actually worked, and maybe they will just take longer to set up fully, but at the point where the other ones are usually rock solid and snap in a really nice way, this one is all a bit limp. And yes, we're still talking about chocolate.
I'm glad we weren't doing a ton of different things though, because I really couldn't find my groove with coating things in chocolate... but I'm not sure now if that was me or the chocolate to be honest. Mostly me I think.
Also, as I said at the top of the post, it's a week until Christmas and I could not feel less festive if I tried. I'm not sure exactly why... maybe because with a few exceptions I haven't done much that feels remotely festive this month. Maybe also because I haven't been hanging out with relentlessly festive people. I dunno... I'm sure it's not really something I'm going to dig too deep into... and it's also not the first time I've felt like this.
But we're nearly there, and then it's all over for another year anyway.
Current Mood:

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