
photo saturday: recycle

recycle happyrecycle tigress

recycle green yellowrecycle red blue green
So this was a week with stuff in it...

I made the single worst batch of soup I have made in all of the time that I've been making soup. It was so bad that I couldn't eat any past the first day, although I did try to salvage it by turning into a curry, it still didn't work. Short story long, I put way too much curry powder in it... it was awful.

Tuesday I had another chiro appointment, but while my back was generally okay, I felt like crap because I was slightly coming down with a cold or a cough or something... thankfully it was either a fairly temporary thing or I only caught the very end of it, because it hasn't stuck around and other than a couple of days of feeling a little shitty, I didn't drop like the proverbial sack.

Wednesday I had a bunch of last minute cleaning to do before my rental inspection on Thursday. That was less fun. To be honest I'd done a bunch of it at various points prior to Wednesday, but all that was left was cleaning the bathroom, a final clean of the kitchen, vacuuming and mopping the floors.

Between needing to sit down at various points so my back didn't totally freak out again, waiting for the floor to try in one spot so I could move things back to mop the next spot and getting slightly distracted by whatever crap was on the Food Network, as well has having had a bit of a late start, by the time I was done it was about 4pm, I'd had no lunch, my elbow had decided to freak out all on it's own and I just needed to lay down for a while.

Suffice to say I ordered pizza.

To avoid having to be there when the land agent was there, I Went Out on Thursday morning... running a bunch of errands I hadn't previously gotten around to for sundry interconnected and uninteresting reasons. I started with the Central Market for some steel cut oats (yay, porridge for breakfast tomorrow), picked up a couple of other bits and pieces and then headed off to IKEA.

Predominantly that was for picture frames... not that I don't have about a million pieces of artwork already in frames, but they're all packed up safely and there were a couple of other things I wanted frames for.

Given that I had all the time in the world, I did the whole wander through the showroom, even though I didn't really need to. As with any IKEA trip, I ended up picking up a few other things that I didn't necessarily need, but that were useful.

Next up I took a trip to the Laygo store to see what had happened with the most recent series of minifigures... turns out he'd lost my phone number (and the email I originally sent him), so he never got in touch. Turned out he still had a full set... well, a set minus one to be honest (although because he also de-packets them a couple of the figs were missing an accessory, so I have to swing by tomorrow to pick those up). Oh, and I managed to get the last minifig on Friday thanks to the lovely ladies at Toyworld who were already helping a nice old lady find one for her granddaughter... it was very much all about right place, right time which led to one of the women going into the back to get a fresh box so that we could find the one missing fig.

Back to Thursday... from Laygo there was a quick stop off to pick up some groceries, then back home to rest... well, after I discovered that the agent had left me a sheet saying that the place looked good, but had only ticked "good" and not "excellent" on the sheet... bitch, I ruptured myself for you... shit was clean... what the hell do I have to do for "excellent"!


Friday my body decided that it could adequately complain about what I'd been doing to it for the past couple of days, so it did.

But I had another chiro appointment on Friday afternoon, so my lovely chiro sorted it all out and told me that my back was pretty much back to the "usual" issue rather than the specific issue I'd gone in with over the last couple of weeks, which is good. I'm still trying not to sit quite as much as I had been, but at least I can sit for a while now.

The elbow is still complaining a little, but it's improving, and ice helps there too (since my chiro told me that it was swollen... too much moping, obviously).

But enough of me listing my woes and maladies...

Today was... well, it was above m'eh... just not terribly exciting overall.

The shopping was... shopping. I will say that when Ma and I are back to the usual routine I am going to miss just sticking my headphones on and listening to podcasts while I'm shopping.

Oh, and because I fucked this week's soup up so damn badly, I'm going back to basics this week with very simple chicken noodle soup. Also, it should chase the last of whatever lurgy I was suffering from away. Because I said so.

When I got down to Ma's place, we headed off to the movies (more on that later), then took a turn around the shopping centre, picked up some random stuff, had a very, very late lunch (or very early dinner) and called it a day.

So, you know, like I said, not thrilling...

Current Mood:

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