
butt kicking week with saturday shopping

somebody has been very naughty
This week has definitely given me a serious butt kicking... or I guess spanking if you prefer. And it really shouldn't be... there are many good things happening, however the bad things seem to have all ganged up and formed a League of Bullshit.

It started with last Sunday and the very hot weekend... after I got home from the tree-trimming I didn't feel 100% but figured that it was just general heat related grossness... but I ended up dragging the mattress into the living room and sleeping under the air-conditioner all night. I say all night, but I woke up at one point with a very upset stomach... and then had a lot of trouble getting back to sleep.

So Monday I felt like shit and was seriously sleep deprived. Never a good combination.

When I came home on Monday I went to bed around 6pm, woke up around 9:30 and realised the front door was still wide open, closed it and went back to bed, then woke up around midnight then the thunderstorm rolled across the city. But like with just about every time I feel like crap and sleep for around 11 hours straight, I did feel significantly better on Tuesday.

However my appetite has been almost non-existent for much of the week... which isn't great when you have a giant bag full of salad sitting in the fridge at work but you really don't want to eat it. Worse still is not wanting to be bothered making anything... so dinners this last week were a little uninspired.

Then the wheels fell of the rest of the universe on Tuesday... not just with me having a very chaotic day (well, afternoon pretty much... but I managed to exist just above panic for the last couple of hours) but it was also when they announced a bunch of changes at work that will directly affect The Nut House, and not in any kind of positive way.

So I was giving out a lot of hugs to people on Tuesday and the mood wasn't exactly a good one. And that continued for the rest of the week, meaning that the overall feeling in the office could best be described as angry apathy.

However I'm not completely freaking out because there looks like there could be a good opportunity for me if the changes can't be modified or mitigated. Sucks for other people and will suck going forward, but I'm quietly crossing my fingers for good things for me. However who the fuck knows what could happen in the next six months.

As I mentioned last week, I was supposed to spend this week working on the cross-stitch presents for Tink's girls... but that never happened. It looks like maybe that will have to wait until after Christmas or else I just leave it, work on it during the winter and give it to them next Christmas. We'll see if I get all inspired.

Then on Wednesday whatever was wrong with me seemed to spread to my ear and I ended up with a blocked ear and a definite lack of hearing on my right side. And if you remember, this same situation came up last year, but got very bad very quickly.

I decided that I really should nip it all in the bud and made an appointment with my lovely but 106yo doctor (he's not actually that old, and he is really lovely, hence why I keep going back to him).

I headed off to the appointment on Friday morning and he didn't really do all that much. Actually that seems to be what has happened every time I've seen him. He just ends up giving me a referral to see somebody who does do things. But sometimes I'd just like a nice dose of antibiotics, you know? He basically said that the overall thing seemed to be a short-lived viral thing that had mostly worked itself out.

So now I have a specialist appointment on Wednesday morning and another appointment to see my doctor on Monday afternoon for something else that will require him to actually do things.

Add to that going to Ma's tomorrow to make Christmas goodies, the Christmas drinks we're having at the pub on Tuesday after work and the fact that Thursday is a very special edition of Haircut Day, next week is looking a little full.

Today was equal parts m'eh and excellent... most m'eh but it ended well.

There's nothing quite like when you're not really feeling great and have had a week's worth of not really being that interested in food, and then going shopping and having to take into consideration a week's worth of lunches (and dinners). Yeah... I think I went with a really dull option, but hopefully it works okay.

After we'd done all the supermarketry, we came back here for the unpacking portion... then I really didn't have anything I needed to do so I left it in Ma's hands. We ended up going into work so she could pick up a few last things. I mostly just wandered around with her and tried to stay out of the way whenever possible since people in shops at Christmas is crazy.

We finished off with a visit to Burger Theory and I tried the overly spicy (for me anyway) Burger of the Month, the Spicy Chicken Burger. The chicken part was good, but the spicy part, between a spice level and a texture level, not really working for me unfortunately. But that's okay, I think that's only about the second or third of their BOTMs that I haven't really connected with.

Then it was back here, Ma went on her merry way and I killed a little bit of time before I went off to Progression Tattoo for my consultation with Tom.

It's a great looking studio... it feels a little like a 19th Century bordello (in a good way) as far as the decor is concerned, and there were a bunch of people around since today was there open day. Fortunately I was the last consult of the day I think, so while I was having my appointment everybody else kind of cleared out.

Tom is lovely... and given that I didn't have 100% of a concept about what I wanted, I just knew some of the major brush strokes. But Tom was very helpful about refining what I was looking for, and what would look good, so I'm excited to see what he comes up with.

But I'll have to wait until April for my first appointment... not really surprising since I was last up for the day.

So, yeah, it was a much better end to the week than the way it began... although I'm not looking forward to how hot it's going to get next week. I'm hoping that it calms down a little before Christmas.

Current Mood:

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