This week has been something of a trial...
Not least of all because Newbie was sick for three out of the five days and I had a lot of very irritating jobs that came out of nowhere and kept me from regular, less irritating tasks.
And I think the confluence of all of that really made me miss having Pixie to bounce off and regulate each other's desire to kill all humans.
So by the end of the week I was a little snappy.
But, winding back first...
I took a visit to the sauna last Saturday night and ran into Marc at the front desk... and then a little later he dragged me off to the spa to introduce me to his partner who wasn't exactly imbued with sparkling personality... but being in the spa did allow me to revisit a previously disastrous encounter and have it turn out pretty damn well.
Last week's celeriac and fennel soup was a little disappointing... and I ended up with about a metric ton of it (which translates out to about seven serves), which didn't help... so I only ended up eating three portions of it (firstly due to a Thursday lunch at work, but then on Friday I just gave up). This week I'm going back to something a lot simpler, although equally invented... tomato, bacon and mushroom. But I've done tomato a couple of times now, so it should work out okay.
Given that I have a rental inspection this coming Tuesday I actually spent some time each evening doing all those little sorting or tidying jobs that generally end up taking all the damn time when I do the major clean. So hopefully it won't take me the whole damn day to get the place in order.
Owlgirl returned to work from her two month overseas trip this week... although we all thought she was crazy for coming into work 24 hours after she landed. Which turned out to be crazy because she never made it in on Friday. But it was really, really good to see her again and I look forward to hearing more of her travel stories.
Fast forward through a long and frustrating week to today where Summer weather decided to pay us a visit... in fact, I'm sitting here in shorts, which is a big change from even earlier this week. Although thankfully it only lasts for the weekend, because I do hate it when the change between Winter and "Spring" skips the actual Spring part and goes straight to Summer. I want a good run of temperatures in the low 20's before we get to actual Summer weather.
Other than that today wasn't much out of the ordinary.
We did the usual shopping thing this morning, no news there... then back here for the usual unpacking thing.
For want of anything else to do we went into the city to run some minor errands. And we ended up finding Ma's Harajuku Lovers Perfume very, very cheaply, so we descended on it and bought a bunch of it... Ma to use some now, me to put the rest away for Christmas (and probably her birthday next year).
Other than that there was just general wandering about before we headed to Burger Theory to try the Burger of the Month, the Wikileeks Burger. Not bad, although not in my top ten.
Current Mood:

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