
photo saturday: environmental aesthetics

oval linesmorning tradie

beach sculptureart viewer

bright sailbeach hipster
This week has been less dramatic... although not particularly less busy than recent weeks.

Last Sunday I spent a large chunk of the day cleaning in preparation for my rental inspection, but even though I started later than was perhaps the best idea, I feel like I wasn't cleaning for as long as I have for previous inspections, mostly because I did a bunch of stuff through the week.

And as I've said every time, while I might hate the process, I do love the results and having a clean and tidy house. I didn't really enjoy the fact that Sunday was fairly warm, and I had to mess up some of my house again to make soup for the week's lunches. I've also decided that it's probably time to switch back over to salads.

We'll see how well that works this week.

Given that I ended up going to bed early on Sunday since I didn't want to do anything that would mess up the apartment, I got up earlier than normal Monday and was at work much earlier (by which I mean slightly later than I used to get to work when I was super organised, but earlier than I've been getting there of late), and that was even with doing a little tidying up before I left home.

After work I stopped off at Myer to pick up the Scooby Doo Mystery Machine Lego set... because nostalgia.

Tuesday morning I was also pretty early, although I had to do a last minute check of the house for the inspection and only just got the early bus.

Oh, and as expected, the inspection went off without a hitch, and it would want to given how much I cleaned.

Then Wednesday I got involved in a late meeting/conversation that ran about 20 minutes past the time I usually leave... which also repeated on Friday afternoon when someone sent me a meeting request at 3:30 for 4, I told him I left at 4 and did he want to come down now... and didn't get out of the meeting until 4:30. Whoops.

And Thursday was Haircut Night. Yay! Once again, the haircut went a tiny bit more extreme yet again... only by an inch or so, and this is now definitely the line we don't cross over. Although give it's current state, I did wonder aloud to Tink if the only way back from this is to just shave my head completely and start again. Not sure that's a great plan, but it's a thought.

It is actually kind of a really thick mohawk... or could be if I styled it that way... although after playing with it a little on Friday morning and pondering the concept of the mohawk, this morning I settled on a totally styled back look, not flat, still with some volume, but that may mean my next haircut needs some refinement of the back part of my hair.

Other than that, Tink and I did our usual gossip session, and then I toddled off home.

Friday, since I was already too late to go and pick up my drycleaning, I ran a couple of errands in town including stopping off at Pulp Fiction comics and ended up picking up three graphic novels and ordering a fourth one.

This morning I got woken up at 4am by my phone after I tweet I wrote last night about one of the performances on So You Think You Can Dance was retweeted by the dancer in question, and then favourited by a bunch of people. I ended up having to put the phone on silent and in a drawer... hehehehe.

But I was glad that that meant she'd seen the tweet, because she's my favourite this season.

Anyway, I got ready, headed downstairs as Ma was arriving and we headed off to the supermarket to do the usual shopping thing.

Sadly our usual checkout girl wasn't in and the girl we ended up with literally just chucked things in bags any old how... so much so that I had to stop on the way back to the car and totally rearrange one of the bags. Useless.

After we finished, there was the usual unpacking and then I was hoping to pick up the new series of Lego minifigs... now usually I find them as soon as they drop, but for some reason they've been escaping me this time... and even though I sent Galaxy Toys an email asking for them to reserve me a set, they never got it. So it's looking a little problematic, I'm just hoping somebody has an unopened box they haven't put out on the floor yet and I manage to find that.

That's the long way around of saying that we headed out to Galaxy Toys partly for the minifigs and partly so I could take in the vintage stuff I want to sell.

Turned out to be a partially wasted journey because the vintage guy doesn't work Saturdays and they didn't have a full set in stock like they did the last time we went in there. Seriously, is this Lego trying to create rarity by not sending out as many boxes? Everywhere I've been either have none at all, or a single box.

Anyway, she took down my details, and I left the vintage stuff with them for the guy to value and we'll hopefully go pick up the minifigs next Saturday... fingers crossed it all works out like that anyway.

From there we headed down to Marion just for a general wander around.

We didn't really pick up much, although I did save about $36 on a Bonds hoodie and trackpants combo due to their sale.

So that was it really...

Current Mood:

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