
photo friday: mono thoughts

monochrome artistdocklands star wheel

lamp sphinxcaged deer

mono love hatejustice statue
There's not a whole lot to report this week...

I still went out and took my walk every morning, and managed to avoid the rain, although the weather has generally been more wintery this week.

I also had something of a calendar themed week... not only did I order my 2014 Bel Ami Rebels calendar by photographer Joan Crisol (and got a 20% discount, which is always good), but I also redesigned Ma's calendar as per the very detailed instructions I left myself last year. And then I went through my photos from both the Melbourne and Sydney trips and picked out a bunch of images.

Weirdly, although I took a fair number of photos on both trips, and almost all of them were the same orientation as the calendar, I had a hard time picking out images that were interesting and that I thought Ma would like. Thankfully she's a fan of cloud and grey skies and whatnot, because really, the weather wasn't exemplary on either of our trips.

When I got back from the movies on Wednesday, I wanted something to watch while I made some lunch, so I grabbed the first season of The West Wing. It's been a series I've been wanting to revisit for a while and although I told myself I was only going to watch the one episode, I hadn't even gotten through the opening before I knew I'd be watching the whole seven seasons again.

It really is a brilliant piece of television. It's funny and moving and dramatic and amazingly well written. And even though the first season is now 14 years old, it completely stands up... some of the political references are a little dated, but some of it is just as relevant today (sadly in some cases).

And it's a series that is a little bit addictive... I've been watching episodes since Wednesday and I'm most of the way through the second season right now. It's like televisual crack.

The boys of Burger Theory are due to open their bricks and mortar store later this month, and they've just launched a crowdfunding campaign for, of all things, frozen custard.

Now I hadn't even heard of frozen custard before this, but seriously, it sounds amazing... super thick, super creamy ice-cream which isn't whipped like regular ice-cream, so it contains much less air.

I'm really hopeful that their I Am Frozen Custard campaign is successful. It's currently sitting at about 30% and has another 49 days to go.

Oh and I got the initial sketches for my tattoo this afternoon... and it looks amazing. It still needs a little work, but I'm really happy with how it's shaping up.

Current Mood:

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