
photo saturday: sixty-ish percent of thirty percent

my grumpypants - issues, fighter, criminal huntress - elf, lady, ranger

Am I going to get in some amount of trouble for this week's DnD Character Colouring Book? We'll see I guess. But also this is what happens when you're in a DnD group and people make their characters in Hero Forge and you think... well, you think that clearly they don't spend as much time in Hero Forge as you. Also that bad design hurts your eyes and your brain. And also, they're straight men, what do they know from fashion.

But also, you think, well, that's your character, you do your own thing, they look however you want them to look.

So then maybe you just get inspired to Fuck Around And Find Out what your own version of their characters might look like, for your own, you know, edification. And just purely as an experiment, because, you know, why not. And maybe that will be the way that you'll proceed to see said characters in your own head, because nobody lives there other than you (well, you and all the voices... hey guys) and you can have whatever head canon you like.

Also, yes... I like knee boots. What of it. I actually didn't completely realise they both had similar lengths of boots until after both of the models were done.

This is also why names have been changed to protect the innocent... or possibly the guilty. Or maybe me, or just because it's funny.

So we have Mr Grumpypants, a tiefling fighter with Some Definite Issues™ and a big old sword. Which has a name, because of course it does. But, issues. Because, I mean, a tiefling who makes it look like his broken horns are perpetually on fire. Yeah. That screams maybe Daddy Issues, maybe Dead Wife Issues, maybe Betrayed by Everyone He Trusted Issues. Maybe Impulse Control Issues. Who knows. We're filing that one under "Issues". And who is definitely a criminal, no matter what he tells you. Definitely a criminal. 100%.

And then we have Huntress, which is the first Gender Swap character for that particular player, so that's new and exciting. As is the "Sounds a bit French, is it German, could it just be getting late and the accent is sliding around" accent. But also, when it says that a wood elf has "copper skin", they don't mean that literally. Like the "copper dragonborn" skin tone in Hero Forge, which is also fucking terrible BTW. They mean, "medium brown skin tone with a very, very slight hint of a reddish caramel" that is "commonly found among those with Middle Eastern and South Asian heritage". But, you know, that's fine too. Is my version a little dark... maybe.

But when you combine these two with my Bird Boy... well, you've got the 30 Percenters. Which isn't so much an "In Universe" name as a "Meta Universe" name.

Yeah, I'm going to get in so much trouble.

Do I care? Not so much.


I have, several times this week, considered collecting two of every type of animal, possibly in some kind of ark like structure, you know, just in case. Because of all the rain. Of which there as been a considerable amount, but also like, quite heavy versions of same.

What I will say, is that I'm actually glad I'm no longer in the Portrush Road apartment with the occasionally and intermittently leaking roof. Because that would have sucked.

This week's soup was... Chicken and Barley... essentially. Although it was one of those soups where I changed the way I was slicing the vegetables up about halfway through... so most of it was kind of julienned, but the first few not so much.

It was overall decent though.

Thursday Night DnD actually happened and everyone was in attendance. Which is a rarity these last few weeks.

Friday Night DnD was good... well, our first real kind of exploration of a full on combat/dungeon. It went... interestingly. See also Tiefling With Issues. But it did end up being something of a late night, since we were deep in the combat and it made more sense to finish it than try and pick up mid-fight next week.


Today was first supermarketry... then we went to the movies and followed it up with some lunch on The Parade to celebrate Ma's birthday this week.

Also, note to self. Yes, you are correct that there is a reason that you're not a huge fan of the movie theatre on the Parade. Not the cinema itself, that's fine. But the fact that our visit coincided with a birthday party of about 15 preteen boys.... all jacked up on sugar on a Saturday morning. And going to the same movie as us. No bueno.

Afterwards lunch was good, then Ma toddled off home.

Oh, also, and for reasons I don't quite understand, the place where some of my blog images used to be is no longer there, the work around I tried for my "current moods" didn't work... so that's the end of that I guess. At some point I'll summon up the interest to actually modify the blog layout.

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