
photo saturday: bang bang (my blacksmith shot me down)

abbey - blacksmith, barbarian, npc

This week's DnD Character Colouring Book is Part 2 of the NPC Heroes idea. And again, this is riffing on an idea I've had for quite a while, but with some alterations.

Basically Blacksmith as Barbarian. Although previous iterations of this idea have been female dwarves. This one is human mostly so I can give her the Dual Wielder feat and she can swing both hammers at once. She's also, very probably, Morgana's wife, or at least, there would be NPC on NPC romance rumblings in a campaign.

I do like the skirt/corset combination that makes it look like the "blacksmith apron" is one piece going from about her ribs down past her hips, but then belted. Does she usually actually do her blacksmithing work in a top that has no sleeves and it altogether less covering? Probably.

And yes, this was still me playing with stripy skirt materials.

Also, even though the Desert aspect of the Storm Herald Barbarian would make sense (fire, etc), I think she's probably a Sea aspect girl... mostly because I love the idea of those hammers having lightning flickering around them. Even thought fighting with two weapons interferes with the "bonus action" element of the subclass. It's something I'd care about if I was actually going to play her.


I had my fifth booster shot on Sunday. Which resulted in a sore muscle in my arm for the first half of the week and not much else.

This week was very much a "hide indoors with the aircon on" kind of week, so I did, basically that.

Thursday DnD was... well, I'll say this. I think we were all a little punchy due to the weather. So much so that I actually forgot to put my in-character necklace on. But otherwise, we closed the chapter on this little sub-mission and are moving on to the next thing.

Friday was... too much.

It was Chiro Day, which was fine. Did the thing, dropped the books I borrow last month back at the library, didn't borrow more since there was a pile of books waiting for me at my library. Came home, went back out to the library, came home again. All in stupidly hot weather.

And then, at about 1pm or so (I can't remember when exactly), the power went out. At a time when it was basically 37°C outside. And then stayed off for two hours.

Suffice to say, I lost my damn mind after the first... 45 minutes.

Not a fan, can't recommend, hard pass. At least back in the days when I had no air-con, I still had electricity to run the evaporative cooler.

Also, now that everything in my house runs on electricity, I could do precisely diddly and squat.

Friday Night Not-DnD was good. And still none of the "adventures" we're currently playing around in have been as tough as the very first one. And nobody has died since like the second adventure. It's still fun though. And somehow, even though it's all run on the exact same room layout and with with a limited range of monsters, each level feels distinctly different.


Today was rain. Well, it started that way. Getting rid of most of the heat from the previous week.

And then we Supermarketed and came back here. Ma had A Thing she was going to, so she took off relatively early, leaving me to try and get the cool air from outside into the apartment.

So, there's that about that.

Current mood:

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