
photo saturday: grey watchers

grey'baste - haunted, rogue, acolyteruhk irontusk - merc, orc, rogue

So, last week was the roll out of my next character for the Thursday game... but there was a lot of potential DnD Character Colouring Book energy that got expended before we got to Dax...

This week is two of those cast offs. I doubt I'll keep either of them even as a back up character, but I don't hate the designs, or parts of the designs anyway.

Firstly there's Grey'baste, who's name translates to "ghost path" if I'm reading my source material correctly. Which makes sense given that he's a Reborn, and I used the potential origin from the book of "your body hosts a possessing spirit that shares its memories and replaces your missing appendages with phantasmal limbs"... which seemed cool to me. Grey is a little too "I'm dark and brooding" for me though... I am also obsessed with those tiny sunglasses though.

Rukh went through some gender changes, and honestly, looking at the face, I don't honestly remember where I landed. Is it just "orc dude with too much eye makeup and a little bit of lipstick"? Is it "butch female"? Is it "they/them pronouns? I have no idea.

The tattoos and the face are the parts I like the most though, especially given that I've used a variation of, or this exact outfit on like three dozen characters at this stage.

Honestly, I have no fucking clue who my backup character is... I mean, I have the easy option of making it somebody connected to Dax... but I guess it will depend on where we are and how I feel. I'll probably keep messing around with ideas... after all, there are a ton of other rogue subclasses I haven't explored, not to mention other classes entirely.


Soup this week was of the minestrone variety... and, honestly, pretty damn good. I could have done with cooking the carrots (I think) a little more, but overall, one of my better efforts.

Thursday night DnD was technically not actual DnD. It was a full on Session Zero for the new campaign which lasted... almost as long as a lot of our DnD games. It was good though. We got a bunch of stuff out on the table, that, honestly, after five years of playing together (for the most part), included some stuff that we should have done way before now.

But it was all good productive stuff. And I'll be honest, I think any of the issues I'm currently having with where we ended up are squarely based on the way the adventure is written and designed to be played. And having a character with a foot on both sides of two civilisations currently at war was not my intent... but honestly where we've ended up.

I also know that in order to get to the main adventure, DM Fluffy needs to get us across that border... so it shouldn't be THAT hard.

And if we get to the end of the adventure and my character hasn't spent any time in a jail cell, then we've done vey well indeed.

Oh, and it turns out that I'm (very probably) the only one with (very limited) healing magic... so that's going to... be something.

Friday was Chiro Day... basically the usual, rinse and repeat... although I did do a big wander in town afterwards, which was nice.

Friday night DnD was great.

Not the most original title, but I'm calling this week's session "Welcome to Thither"... because, unsurprisingly, it was their first session in Thither.

But I got to traumatise them with imaginary pies, give them golden magic items, reintroduce them to an old (four-legged) friend and then just sparked off a bunch of roleplay where I got to sit back and metaphorically prop my chin on my hands and look at them all with big sparkly anime eyes.

Because they properly got into it during his session. I've said it before that some of my favourite moments in playing DnD are when you pretty much ignore the DM and just riff on roleplaying with the other characters. Turns out, that's my favourite moment as a DM too... who woulda guessed? Yes, I also get that the correct answer is "everyone"... everyone would have guessed that.

I'm very much looking forward to next week's session though. Which I think I've said every time, and, you know, that's a good sign.

Today was another non-event. I mean, we did the supermarket as usual, but that was basically it.

Current mood:

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